Part 20

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A familiar face approached the woman, shapely and...


"Are you all right? You look like you saw ghosts!"

  "Not ghosts." Gene said, knowing she was as pale as a ghost. "Something...... Far more interesting."

 She shook her head, trying to clear out her thoughts, before she ducked her head in a flustered blush. "Ms Kanna, right?"  

 Kannade nodded and told her, "I was just on my way to the theatre down there!" She pointed to where the music was coming from, adding, "The performers are shy about coming into town, so I bring them food."

"That's very kind of you." Gene said with a pleasant smile. For one reason or another, she was more keen upon keeping what had happened with the Spirits close to her heart, as secretive as she could. It wasn't that she didn't trust Kanna, it was more that she didn't want to be looked at like she was nuts.

"Do you need any help with it?"

 "Oh please!" Kanna begged. And it was true, she was carrying what looked like FOUR baskets full of meat, cheese, bread and fruits of all assortments!

 Gene smiled warmly, taking two of the baskets herself, one in each hand. "Is that better, Ms Kanna?" She asked, happy to be of assistance.  

 Kannade nodded and toddled her gifts along. She then asked, "Is this your first Festivere?"  

 She tilted her head, a look of confusion on her face. ".......What's Festivere?" Gene asked, following Kanna.  

 "Le Festivere de Saeris Galeiy!" Kanna chirped. "A fall festival held every fall next to the Farmer's Market! People can purchase goods and children can have their sweets while young adults seek love and find their soulmates!"

 She turned to her with a big grin. "Its an annual event where all trades and all ages benefit!"

 "I've never heard of such a festival." Gene said, curiosity shining in her green eyes. "Then again... Small, isolated clan, I seem to be learning a lot about things I've never heard of before."  

Kannade laughed, and soon enough they had entered what appeared to be a theatre dug into the earth with a large bonfire at its heart. Around it were totem poles, some of the similar animals she had seen before. Young men and women were in costume of blues, reds, greens, whites and even adorned in feathers and furs. Most were masked, dancing in routines that only the couples knew. A handful looked like their were struggling to keep up with their female partners, others were doing impressively well.

The musicians themselves were adorned in similar attire, darker cloth as to not take away from the guests dancing at their fire pit.

Kanna smiled and pointed to the performers. There were two men, one seemingly older than the other, and two twin boys, juveniles. There were two women, one with striking red hair and the other with lilac in a blue dress.

"That's the Saeris wolf pack...or what's left of them."

 She tilted her head, and looked at Kanna with confusion tinged with curiosity. "What do you mean by that?" She asked, before her eyes were drawn back to the movement in front of them.  

 Kanna set the basket down. She inhaled carefully, then asked Gene, "How do you feel about Wolves?"  

 She gave a small shrug. "The islands where I grew up were small, but my clan never had any problems with them, so I never really formulated an opinion. I suppose they are different from what others would say, where they see what they dub as monsters, I never saw such. They do what they must to survive, just like the rest of us."  

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