Part 19

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For reasons or another for this particular morning, it smelled like cinnamon.

Like Kaiju's home was right next door to a bakery instead of a barn.

And with that smell, it woke Kaiju up like a child who was ready to start his day on a high note; he got up and, minding Gene's still slumbering form, got dressed in a fine gambeson of red with gold trim about the collar and cuffs of his sleeves. He found a pair of clean leather trousers and tied on, then clasped his belt.

He leaned to Gene's side of the bed and smiled, then wiggled his whiskers and chin to wake her up.

 Kaiju grinned and kissed her gently. "It's Market Day!" He explained, but boy did he sound giddy. "Means I get to load up the wagons and sell the goods! And there will be stalls trying to sell fun things too! Such as handmade fudge and butterscotch."  

 She blinked, her mind trying to catch up with what he was saying. It was almost adorable, watching her mind work first thing in the morning. ".....Market Day?" Gene asked, slowly sitting up with a smile. "You sound....." She covered an interrupting yawn. "Rather excited for it...."  

 Kaiju nodded. He explained, "My boys and I always went. So...would it be all right if I can treat you to..." He blushed, "...a proper date?"  

 She couldn't help but smile a bit more, stretching and nodding her head, carefully untangling the few locks that had become tangled in the night. "I'd love that."  

 Kaiju smiled and took her hand. He kissed it as a knight would courtly kiss his lady, and told her, "I'll get your carriage ready my lady."  

 Her cheeks turned a rosy shade of pink, which she tried to mask by ducking her head to the side. "And I'll endeavor to be ready by then. And hopefully more awake." Gene giggled.

 Nearly half an hour later, Genevieve was indeed ready, stepping outside in a dark forest green gown, with touches of black lace around the hems of her sleeves, and delicately placed at the bottom of the gown. Her fiery red locks were pulled out of her face in a braid that hung down her back and tied with a matching green ribbon. Once again, she was thanking the God and Goddess for Lusitania.

The minute Kaiju had everything loaded into a wagon and tied down, all was set and ready to go.

But where was...?

He turned, and his eyes cast upon a glimmering pair of green. He followed the contours of her braided hair, then her gown with the black lace. He swallowed and looked up at her face.

It was so easy to see, in a mental image, Cupid's Arrow striking through his heart. Falling in love...ALL over.

 Gene tried to duck her head to mask her blush, a smile on her lips, but with her hair pulled back, it was impossible to conceal. "...Are you alright, love?" She asked bashfully, her cheeks once again a warm pink, bordering on red.  

  Kaiju smiled and asked, "Is it wrong to say it feels like we just met for the first time all over again?"  

 "Not at all, though I seem to be in far better condition than the first time we met." Gene teased gently.  

 Kaiju was grinning at this point. He helped her up to the seat of the wagon and joined up after. A click of his tongue, and Shadow happily pulled the wagon into town.  

 Gene's eyes went from one thing to the next, the amber foliage of fall dancing in her irises. She leaned slightly against Kaiju, not at all minding the bumps of the wagon, instead finding familiarity with the sights and sounds in a place that was beginning to feel like home.

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