Part 12

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 Kaiju grimaced at the insult just as he and Gene pulled up at a two story home with a lit interior.

 He grumbled, "Ryvna, have you no filter for that mouth of yours?"

 "Dun be me ye leavin' me with the wee bairn and the spitfire lass about yer gardens! I be short, and yer kitchen be big! We talkin' issues, ye ken?!" The stout, spouting golden blond and eyes of hazel marched up to Kaiju and grabbed him by a lock of black hair. She harped, "Days, Kai! Days I had ta watch 'em! You promised itna be an overnight flight but nooooooo ~ ye took yer time gettin' back! So pay up like ye promised for the trouble!"

 Kaiju winced and whimpered, "That's all good and everything but can I have my hair back please???" He handed her the coin purse, adding, "I'll get their ma tonight!"

 The woman harrumphed and let go of him. She hissed, "Some ma indeed, leavin' 'em in your care!"

 Kaiju rubbed his neck, stating, "I can't help the Creator for that matter, especially a pregnant one. You know nursing can trigger labor and that's the last thing we need, Ryvna."

 Ryvna heaved a big sigh. She turned to Gene and told her, "Anytime this bastard get outta hand call for me and I'll sock him good."

 Kaiju shuddered, reaching to protecting his manhood. That was the last thing he needed...  

 Gene blinked in surprise, caught in the whiplash of the conversation entirely. "What?" She asked, not knowing who the short, terrifying woman was.  

  Once Kaiju was released from the wrath of the stout woman, she gave him a punt RIGHT where it counted. Kaiju of course fell, groaning, as the woman marched off and rambled about sheer stupidity.

 Kaiju groaned and finally worked his way to his knees, granted still in quite the impressive amount of pain. He groaned, "Oiy...I'm not...going to hire her...for a babysitter...ever again..."  

  Gene winced, crouching over to help him up. "Ice." She said, unable to mask the amused smile on her face. "Ice will help. And babysitter?"  

  Kaiju nodded. Just as he was about to speak, a little two year old clambered down the stairs and tackled Kaiju.

 "Kai! Kai!" She chirped. She had pretty midnight blue hair and eyes of sky blue, yet a pair of wolf pup ears on her head and a little blue tail. She giggled and stopped at Gene, then approached and raised her arms. "Hello~eee!!!"  

  "Hi!" Gene said, blinking in surprise. "And what's your name?"  

 Addy paused, then replied, "Addy!" She raised her hands again. "Up?"  

 Gene laughed, obliging the two year old, and hefted her onto her hip. "Nice to meet you, Addy~ My name is Genevieve, but you~" She tapped the girl's nose. "Can call me Gene!"  

  Addy cooed, "Awwwww!!!" And pressed her own lips on Gene's cheek, all the while glancing at Kaiju. Her face? 'You see this? Mine now.'

 Kaiju shook his head. He asked Addy, "Have you eaten today?" Addy at first didn't understand, then Kaiju asked, "Bite?"

 Addy promptly turned her head away. "No!"  

  Gene giggled, entirely at ease carrying a child on her hip. In fact, she looked rather used to it. "You are adorable, Addy!" She exclaimed, blowing a raspberry on the girl's cheek.  

  Addy squeaked and wiggled her shoulders, trying to hide her neck. Kaiju snickered and asked Addy, "Addy have you had a bath today?"

 "Buwah bah?" Addy asked, and Kaiju nodded. "Ah, all right I'll get a bath going."

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