Part 14

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  "Genevieve!" Called out a familiar voice, as I stood up from the garden in front of my house. I had just started weeding the flowerbed for the first time in two weeks.

 "Yes?" I asked, dusting the dirt from my hands. Not that the feeling ever bothered me, but I knew that people tended to prefer those with clean hands. "What is it?"

 "Lords Jaxton and Riskel are awaiting you." Said the man with the portly belly and twinkling gray eyes.

 "Thank you, Justin~!" I chirped, double checking to make sure there wasn't a single speck of dirt on my hands. For reasons I never truly understood, Lord Jaxton always seemed to look at me like I was a filthy pig if I ever arrived in his presence with a touch of dirt.

 I didn't know what he was expecting. After all, I was always digging about in the dirt, either to help the fellow farmers or just for fun.

 Like I was doing before Justin showed up.

 With a sigh, I collected my tools and put them carefully away in a small shed that adjoined the rest of my home. I checked myself in the mirror I hung in there for cases like this, cases where I had to go from Genevieve the gardener and healer to Genevieve, Leader of the Starglow Clan.

 Such a change could easily sour one's mood, but I was raised for the role. And if I didn't execute it to perfection, I would let down my clan. My parents and brother and grandmother would be disappointed.

 My grandmother would try and throw something ghosty at me. 

More than likely a skillet.

Definitely a skillet.

 I shook the thoughts from my head, tucked a few locks of red hair back into its braid, and got a dirt smudge off my face.

 As I was about to leave, I noticed the seeds I was going to plant sitting on a makeshift counter. I didn't want to leave them there to dry out, so I simply scooped the rose seeds into a pocket of my apron, rechecked my hands, and left the shed.

 It wasn't hard finding where Jaxton and Riskel were. They had settled on a bench in the middle of the village, under a tall oak tree that provided the perfect amount of shade.

 Once again, I was taken aback by how different Riskel and Jaxton seemed, sitting there.

 Riskel, with his short black hair and onyx eyes, seemed to rather blend into the shadows, while his father, Jaxton, with his long black hair and similar eyes, seemed to command attention.

 It was Jaxton to whom I curtsied to first, sweeping my skirt and apron to the side. A half-smile, half-smirk fluttered across his face, chiseled and strong in a way I can only describe as intimidating.

 "Lady Starglow." Jaxton greeted, his voice sweet, yet laced with poison. "How wonderful for you to join us."

 "I apologize for my tardiness, Lord Jaxton." I responded, keeping my voice even, yet strong. I had once nearly made the mistake of letting him believe me weak and feeble.

 And that wouldn't ever happen again. 

 He guffawed, as Riskel sat up. I recognized the look on the younger vampire's face, one I had seen on it many times, yet I couldn't put an emotion on it. "Don't let it happen again." Jaxton said. "I don't like being kept waiting."

 "Understood, Lord Jaxton." I responded, my back straight, yet keeping my posture relaxed. It was a line I had to walk, between being respectable and being relaxed, but I walked it well.

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