Part 11

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  After three or so days, the smell of cedar tickled Gene's nose.  

 Every time Gene slept on Shadow's back, she never minded Kaiju holding onto her. On the contrary, she welcomed it because he was rather warm and comfortable.

 When the scent of cedar tickled her nose, she woke right up from her nap, still nestled in his cloak. "Cedar wood?" She asked. "Recognize the smell, very aromatic."  

  Kaiju smiled. He explained, "We've reached Cedarton, just miles north of Silver Ridge."

 Sure enough, a vast forest of nothing but cedar, redwood and pine greeted their very sights. Homes were built within the wide trunks of the trees themselves, some even bearing two homes on top of one another. Shops remained outside of the tree-like architecture, made of sturdy stone. They were lined like normal town squares, everyone greeting each other, man and beastkin alike, with warm smiles. Even old war rivals dined together or laughed raucously in the taverns.

 Kaiju stopped Shadow at one tea shop, run but a shapely woman with short red hair like copper and eyes of amethyst jewels. He greeted, "Morning Kanna! Have a delivery for you!"

 The woman peeked over her bar and gasped in delight. "Did you bring me the rose blossoms and white tea?"

 "That I did!" Kaiju replied. Kanna, delighted, hurried down the steps and took a look at Kaiju's bounty he brought for her. She grinned and hugged him warmly, then turned to Gene.

 "Oh poor dear!" She frowned. "Come down from the horse and let me brew something for you!"  

 Gene dismounted, bowing her head. "Thank you, ma'am." She said, her voice as sweet as could be. She covered a small yawn, before smiling. "Tea sounds lovely."  

  Kanna nodded and told her, "Come pick a spot. I don't bite unless you're a man and you like to haul your balls around."

 "Kanna!!!" Kaiju yelped as he also stepped into the shop. "I'm not in that category am I?"

 "No, you bring me goodies," Kanna replied. "That makes you an exception."

 Kaiju sighed in relief. To Gene he explained, "Genevieve, this is Kannade Davenhaest. Best tea brewer in all of Cedarton and maybe the whole of Elshenlan. Word of warning, she has an arm like a giant's and can aim skillets like you've never seen before."  

  "A pleasure to meet you, Ms Kannade." Gene said respectfully as she stepped into the shop. The mingling scents in the air reminded her of her own house, filled to the brim with herbs and the like. "I've been on the wrong side of skillets before, and have no desire to repeat the experience."  

  Kanna laughed and told Kaiju, "All right, I like her. She's out of my range."

 Kaiju shook his head, and sure enough Kanna had a fresh hot brew ready for the two. She asked Gene, "Whereabouts have you come from dearie? You look like a Cedarton local or an Emerald Woodlander."

 "Zenia just east of Brausshern," Kaiju answered. He sipped his tea, which smelled of cinnamon and some sort of apple, and hummed warmly. "Oh that's good, Kanna, thank you."

 It was easy to see the man felt at home, as his formerly stiff and guarded posture relaxed.  

  Gene nodded her head at Kaiju's statement. "The Starglow clan, on one of Zenia's small islands."

 She inhaled a noseful of the tea, before taking a sip, feeling it warm her very core and dance across her taste buds. "Delicious!"  

  Kanna grinned. "My tea leaves come from all parts of the globe. And what teas I don't have I make up in coffee beans too." She pointed at Kaiju, adding, "This man always makes sure my business is always going."

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