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Alrighty, let's start off on a somewhat negative note... like prison. I mean,
S C H O O L.
You either love it or you hate it. Personally, I am in the middle when it comes to questions like,
Do you like school? Cause I sure don't/do!
Well, that's how most of my opinions go, in the middle. Yes? No? I say maybe or I don't know (hey, that rhymes!). Anyway, back to talking about purgatory- dang it! I meant school! School's coming up for me soon, (I only have 24 hours for freedom before going back) and I'm not sure how to feel.

I mean, yeah, we're back to learning over and over again trying to cram everything just so we can survive the day and do the next day as the cycle goes on. That's what I don't like about school, the learning part. Yeah, you get to learn things you never knew before and you get to use it for the future, but it just feels... forced. You know, like in some mad scientist's lab where they use you as a test monkey and open your head so they can replace your brain to another brain sO THEY CAN CAUSE IMMENSE PAIN WHEN YOU REALLY DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WHY AM I HERE!?

Ahem, sorry, got a little carried away there. Most of the time, I just wing everything unless I really need to prepare for it. Every time the teacher says that we'll have a quiz or test, I just relax and don't do anything. Then when the test rolls in, I use the power of MEMORY!
Woo, woo! You're so cool! I mean, stuuuupiiiidddd!
My memory isn't very reliable since I'm a forgetful person. Also, let's talk about something that all (or most) schools do... the dreaded
H O M E W O R K.
Yeah, nobody likes homework (but there's that 5% in the pie chart). The adults say that it's "useful" and "helpful" if you want to get good grades... but really? It just causes more stress. Most people here are guilty of not doing homework, like me. Unless it's something that affects are grades A TON, I don't really care about it much. Sure, I do some of my homework, but there are some cases where I just throw it outta my mind and just sit down doing stories or play video games. As expected, schools have consequences for not doing homework such as detention or the teacher yelling at you, but our school goes different. They have this thing called, "Demerits and Merits", where doing negative things gives you demerits and doing positive things give you merits. I never really accumulated much merits throughout the start of my high school/middle school life, but I've accumulated some demerits for being late or forgetting my homework. But do I care? Slightly.

My parents (which I will rant about on another chapter) are strict and they both have really high standards for me, but no matter what I try to do, I just can't reach those standards as it goes higher and higher and as they put more pressure on me, the more I get stressed and anxious and whatnot (which I will also discuss in another chapter). If they found out that I never did homework, you can see that I will be kicked all the way to Jupiter for doing that. But this is the perfect Segway to going to what I like about school, and that is my childhood and only friends. I believe that most people who go to school have at least a few friends, in my case, I get along with almost everyone. I may not be the brightest or I may be annoying, but a lot of my friends say that I know how to lighten up the room with my weird antics. My friends are the reason why I never ever dream of transferring schools, even if my parents encourage me to change. But if I do change, I get to leave them all my behind. I leave my best friends, my happiness... my childhood.

But anyway, back to them... I'm happy that I can get along with everyone there, because I can immediately talk to someone and have fun in no time! I'm happy that I have friends because I constantly hide my true feelings at home, because I know that no one would understand me. I feel lonely at home, even if a lot of people are around me. I just smile and pretend that nothing's wrong, when in reality, my life is spiraling down deeper into madness. At school... I can... remove my mask. I can show what I like without my friends judging me so much. And to the people reading this, who you're seeing right now is who I really am, because I want to show that I'm still okay. I don't want lots of people worrying about me, cause I'm fine... I think. Anyway, for this chapter, I want to say to everyone to be yourself no matter how much people judge you. Because the more you believe in those, the less "you" you will become.
This is the end of the rant, and I'll be seeing you guys in another chapter! Ciao!

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