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Alrighty, let's stray from the last chapter and go to a bit of a more positive chapter! Let's talk about friends! Okay, so, I assume most people on Earth have friends, wether it be childhood, new ones, online and etcetera. For some people (like me) it's easy to make friends, but for some, it's slightly or even extremely difficult to make friends. My advice to those shy people or to people who find it hard to fit in, you just... have to be patient! I got this advice from a book series called Dork Diaries (Recommend it for people who are in high school), where the main character (who is very shy and has no friends for the first part of the book) felt a bit lonely after gym class, feeling bad for the two girls who had to take a shower in the school shower (haven't experienced it but it sounds gross) after losing to the main character's team. She met them and saw how unpopular and an outcast they both are, and so, they started a friendship group of dorks! Yeah, so, they taught me that the friends you need will appear eventually, just take your time and hope they'll pop into your lives soon. Okay, let's see any other things I could talk about that involve friends... hmm, oh, your best friends and the fake friends.

Most people have only up to two best friends, but for me, choosing a best friend is quite difficult since I feel a bit bad for just putting one or two over the other, so if anyone asks me who my best friends are, I just tell them my whole circle of friends. Now let's jump in to the other side of the spectrum, let's talk about fake friends. Currently, I haven't really experienced a fake friend since the whole batch I'm in are friends to me and they're all generally nice. So, nope, no fake friends yet. But if I ever experience a fake friend, I bet I'll go either insane or be passive aggressive OR I just won't care. You see, I'm not an angry person, I'm very (maybe too) laid back, and it's a rare occasion that I will get mad. There are only two times that I remember (again, memory isn't reliable) where I got angry. The first one was back in fourth grade where I got put into a group of troublemaker boys with no girls except me. I wasn't a leader, and I had no idea what to do, so I ended up yelling at them in the classroom, crying in front of everyone and getting a slightly low grade from that even if we got a second chance to make our report again. Another time was in fifth grade where a lot of pressure was put onto me for creating a game after a report was over. A lot of my classmates were complaining that I didn't pick them even if they thought their hand raised first. Look, I can't monitor everyone at once. My eyes are fast paced and alert when I have no pressure put onto my shoulders, it is also alert when mY PAIR SHOULD HAVE HELPED ME CREATE THE SUMMARY OF THE STORY THAT I STAYED UP ALL NIGHT ON DANG IT! I was also a bit moody at the time and I had a bad morning, so what better way to release my emotions than to yell at them, which actually made them shut up. But still, even after those fiascos, all of us are still good friends. So, that would probably be me if I found out a great friend who had potential to join my group is a fake. I might have a chance of getting passive aggressive, but the insane part is most likely the one that'll happen. Then there's a chance where I just won't give a damn about it, which is also very likely. Okay, so I talked about how I'm doing, the past, besties and fakies... hmm... I know!

What type of friends do you have?

The Lazy
The one who says they'll be sure to come over to the hang out. Then they don't show up at all because they either tell the truth that they were too lazy or that they were "busy".

The Sassy
The one who seems a bit mean sounding, but is actually a good person. Their sassiness is just a way of defending themselves (and also a way to tease friends).

The Hungry
The one who always is hungry. Nothing else.

The Explorer
The friend who always wants to hang out and go outside, wanting to play and have fun with their friends anywhere they go!

The News
The friend who always knows the latest thing about the world, the school, the cartoon you watch, etc. They also have a lot of juicy details.

The Wild
The friend who always wants to cause havoc either alone or with other friends.

The Mother
Basically the one who holds the group together with their kind and motherly demeanor.

The Funny
The one who either has the best jokes, the funniest stories or the contagious laugh.

The Meme Train
The one who always has a meme reader in their mind. No matter what you say, there's a very high chance that they will spout out a meme.

The Quiet
The one in the group who barely talks and has an open mind. They are very good listeners.

The Mysterious
The person who is usually very hard to read. It's hard to read their emotions is what I mean.

The Talented
The person you were kind of jealous of because of their talents, their prizes, etc.

The Crush
The childhood (or not childhood) friend you have a crush on.

The Artist
The one who can draw or create art exceptionally well without breaking a sweat.

The Singer/Musician
The one who has the best singing voice or can play an instrument like how a proper star would.

The Fortunate
The one who basically has every material thing you ever want in your life.

The Best
Your best friend. The friend you look up to the most and spend time with the most, together, you guys make the perfect and weirdest duo the world can see.

Now, let's get to the ending part. Maybe some of you might be asking what kind of friend I am (if not then... okay...), in my opinion, I don't know myself. I'm kind and all, but I have a dark and dirty side. I also have a somewhat romantic side, but that's what I think. I may be me, but I'm not really close with me... you get what I'm saying? Anyway, why don't you guys answer that question: What kind of friend is Shady? You can also ask yourself this, what friend are you? This can show you what you think of yourself, sounds confusing, but hey, the one you should know most is yourself (not for me though).

So, in conclusion with this, I have one thing to say... and that is to have fun with your friends and make the most of your memories with them! Because you don't know what could happen in the future...

That's the end of this rant. Hoped you like it, and I'll see you guys in the next rant!

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