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Ah, roleplays. Something I have a love hate relationship with. SaltyMemeDweeb , SpaceBunnyDani and other people know that I really like and kind of have a passion for roleplays. I got addicted to roleplays because of my friends back in grade five. It all started when me, thatguywhosayshi and MG_Gaming were goofing around by in the classroom. We were just talking about Pokemon then one of us was like, "HEY GUYS WANNA ROLEPLAY?!!" In earlier days of school, we'd always do roleplays for certain things. All of us weren't really that keen in roleplays for class and grades, but now... it's like... we're free... We can imagine anything we want! We can do whatever we want! Also, Pokemon was like, kinda a bad thing in our school, but all three of us loved Pokemon so much that the first roleplay we did... was Pokemon.

Our Pokemon roleplay was about our three characters, I forgot the name of mine, but one of them was Patch and the other was Cornilia. Mine was... uh... mine was... er... I don't even remember. But it definitely wasn't Xylian, nope, that name is too cool. So, we just walked around in our own world, AKA the classroom, where we did Pokemon stuff. And thanks to this roleplay, my Pokemon story: Nightmare Showdown and the other stories by the same people would have never existed. I continued doing roleplays with them, and I loved every second of it because of the laughs we shared. We made so many roleplays (especially me and MG_Gaming *cough* Mesh *cough) together. There was many Undertale ones, Pokemon, Steven Universe, Gravity Falls etc. And to this day, we still do it physically and through text. Everything was all good and fun in our roleplays... then... I got Wattpad.

In my early days of Wattpad, I just made stories and voted, I rarely commented. My cousin introduced me to Wattpad without my parents knowing, and so, they didn't know I make stories... BUT THAT'S FOR ANOTHER TIME! Long story short, they told me to never comment once they found out I do Wattpad, but I was not going to throw away my shot, I didn't listen to them. I kept it all a secret. I was scared to post comments, because I know the internet and their salty ways, but once I commented, I felt... accomplished. And if I never commented, I would have never met amazing people like as mentioned, SaltyMemeDweeb , SpaceBunnyDani and Gracedia_Clear-Skies . Meeting them... was pretty great.

I found out people make books just for roleplays, and I decided to join some. It... I have mixed feelings. I usually roleplay frequently with the ones I'm super close with (people above and my friends) and if there's specific rules met for me. Yes, I know, I'm a very picky person, I knew that since the day I was born but there are just some things that people do in roleplays that make me want to TEAR MY HEART OUT!! DO THIS PROPERLY DANG IT! Now, I'm not trying to bash people who do these things, it's just that it annoys me and you guys should probably be very careful when you do it to me. Now here's...

Things that annoy Shady in Roleplays:

1. Very unspecific and short.

*sighs in frustration* we're already in the part where it immediately turns me off. If you're going to keep your sentence very unspecific and short... I won't like it. I'm the kind of person who looks at details, who goes in depth. I like 3rd dimensional characters that have development and flaws and all that. I digress 2 dimensional characters who only have one specific trait and does not get any development what. So. Ever. Here's an example:

Judy walks somewhere. "How calming it is."

These types of things make me over think. Like, where is she going? What does she see? What's her reaction? Why is she saying these things? Make. It. More.
S P E C F I C.

Judy walks through a dim lit forest. The birds were silent, and the wind blew strong. However, she likes the loneliness, because she grew up with it. "How calming it is."

2. Uninteresting Scenarios

Another thing that immediately turns me off. Make it boring and I'm outta there. I understand if it's a calming point after all the wacky things happening, but if it's going to drag on and on or if it's gonna stay that way, then I'm outta there! Call me a kid all you want, but I roleplay to escape reality, not sit down and go through my daily life! I don't wanna sit and have tea! I wanna go and catch Pokemon, go on an adventure and do something exciting! Please! But I do accept it if the roleplay is set in a normal school or something, so not everything should be so extraordinary! So make it normal but interesting at the SAME TIME!


Please, check your spelling, punctuation and grammar before doing roleplays with me. I understand if English isn't your first language, but to people who do have English as their first language as well as the ones who try to their best in it (kudos for people who do that!) PLEASE correct yourself and your spelling mistakes. I'm not one to always check and correct your spelling or all that, but I will be turned off if you never,
correct it. I can accept other people who do it sometimes, but not always. At least I can understand them!

4. Group Roleplays

ARRRGGGHHH!! NO! PLEASE, NEVER DRAG ME INTO THIS UNLESS YOU HAVE A PLAN TO KEEP IT AS ORGANIZED AS POSSIBLE!! This is why I only like roleplaying with one... ONE person. I roleplay mostly in PMs, and it's so organized like... it's... it's-it's Heaven... So, never invite me to group roleplays unless you have a plan to do this organized. If not, I will leave. Like, never ever come back.
F O R E V E R.

All of you should know, I'm not an angry person. I don't like having confrontations because I don't like starting drama. I mainly let it down quietly and as kindly as possible. Let's say, someone is roleplaying with me and has hit one of the many things that annoys me in roleplays (oh yes. There's more. A LOT more. I'll make another part to warn roleplayers because, again, I'm picky. VERY picky.) and does it consistently. Here's what goes on inside my head...
Okay... I do not like roleplaying with this person anymore because they *insert thing here*. I can't tell them that I don't like to roleplay with them anymore... too harsh. Ah! Idea! I can just leave them hanging...
So I just leave without saying anything. I know, I know, it sounds heartless... but... What was I supposed to do?! I don't want to sound mean and I don't want to continue, so I just leave. And for roleplayers who call for me and other people who don't roleplay with you anymore like,
Oh where did you go?
Are you still there?
Boi, stop. I don't like pressure and guilt added to my shoulder because I already have enough. Here are the four things that you should wonder why when people don't respond.

1. They're busy.
2. They don't have time.
3. They're sleeping.
4. They don't want to roleplay with you anymore.

I know the last one sounds harsh, but there's no other words to put it in.

So, since this is a chapter about roleplays... I'll just ask would you guys like to roleplay with me in my OCs in an incoming RP book? Individual Roleplay where anything can happen. It'll be up in a few, and be sure to call me! That's all for this chapter!

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