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Disclaimer: Don't get TOO attached with the animals I mentioned here... because most of them are dead.

Pets... everyone loves pets! Of course, there might be some who don't but if it's me, then I love pets! I love most animals in general!
Except for you, spiders, I dun like the spooders...
ANYway, so, why am I talking about pets today? I dunno, just decided to. Also, it's Year of the Dog I think? I love dogs

So Shady, are you a cat person? Or are you a dog person?

Dear Arceus, not this question again. I'm an animal lover and both species are adorable, can't I just love both? As a person who has two birds, about five dogs and one cat living in my house, I just can't help but love them all! Except the two gigantic dogs who are always kept im cages and almost tackled me to the ground... they scare me. Actually, I only own the two birds- WHO DON'T LOVE ME BACK MIND YOU- The cat belongs to my grandma as well as one of the dogs who is a Shih Tzu. The two GIGANTIC dogs are my uncle's and the other two used to be mine until they moved to the farm. They're both strays and my family decided to take them in, which means I TECHNICALLY still own them.

How about I tell you guys about past experiences with pets? Throughout my 13 years of life, I had a lot of pets. My family always had dogs for both protection and as being a part of family, but mostly protection. One dog that I used to love and visit all the time is a Golden Retriever named Bullet, who was my dad's ever since he was a kid. But he passed away recently... I didn't see even if I wanted to because my mom thought I'd be scarred for life. Another one is my mom's puppy that she got a few years back named Eevee (always named pets out of things like Pokemon or other people from videogames, movies, cartoons etc), but some jerkwad decided to break into our house and steal Eevee away THAT JERK! But another dog, who is very agressive towards everyone is named Vulpix... who was then cooked and served.

Can I TALK about that? Cause LIKE, this has left me shook for years now. Why do people EAT dogs? It just might be here in the Philippines but STILL. They don't deserve that kind of death! I don't UNDERSTAND! *sighs* anyway, where were we?
Ah, yes, my other pets.

So, I also had this pack of puppies. I'm not sure where I got them, but I loved to play with them when I was smaller. There were about five of them, but the only one I remember is Po, the littlest one with him being the only one with pure white fur. He died too. Got crushed by the car of my grandfather's friend, who is also our neighbor. I came home from school wanting to play with him, so I went to ask my mom. The conversion went as such...

Me: Mommy, where's Po?
Mom: Uhm... I just can't tell her that Po died... she'd be scarred for life! I know, just don't answer her... I dunno dear. Probably wandered off somewhere.
Me: Oh. Do you know where he could have gone?
Mom: Er... no dear. Maybe we'll look for him later.
Me: Okay!

And she never told me until just recently. I also had two stray doggos named Espeon (the male) and Fiona (the female). I think we gave Espeon away but I'm not sure, as for Fiona, she's currently living in my farm. I actually thought she passed away but nope! Alive and well! The other dog living in my farm is a black dog who I wanted to be with me but NOOO they had to move him to the farm! His name is Sirius cause his fur is all black. Next, let's talk about my water based pets. I mostly had Goldfish that I never named, but there was this Janitor Fish who ate everyone in sight. Except my turtle, he was scared of my turtle. Then I had this Water Serpent thing named Dragonair (I think?). She was beautiful. I had to transfer my turtle cause I realized that he's the reason why all the fish are dying (he eats them) but I still loved him anyway. Now, my turtle, Blastoise, was my favorite. He loved to swim around in his little tank, and I gave him lots of food so he'd grow big and strong! Then one day he was just... gone! I gave him to my helper in the house because I got too busy to spend time with Blastoise, and he just disappeared! I think I cried in my sleep that time...

Now, we have my most recent pets. I have two Love Birds named Poppy and Branch because I'm in love with Trolls. They hate me and I want them to make an egg. All they do is scream at me, but it's maybe because of their tiny cage. It's not good to keep birds in a cramped space for so long, they need open space! So all they do is scream at me cause they think it's my fault. Poppy (the girl) is actually more agressive than Branch, and they constantly fight a lot, like my actual parents. Ahem... THEN there's my favorite one, the cat named Bubbles (or Mr. Bubbles according to my other uncle)! I actually had another cat before Bubbles named Cookie (check Shady and Friends as Deres! Part 2) but she ran away because my grandfather didn't realize she was in the car. As soon as he got out of the car, Cookie jumped out and ran off, never to be seen again.

Everyone in my family saw Cookie in the car via CCTV while my sister and I were at school. They were fine with telling my sister because she doesn't really care, but they were all debating on who should tell me because they knew I loved Cookie to death and that I'm an emotional wreck. Once I got home, my mom was the one who told me. I cried my eyes out. THEN we got another cat, the brother of Cookie! I named him Bubbles, and I swore to Arceus that I would not lose him. I will grow up with him and cry at his grave! Also, wanna know something? Remember how I told you that Cookie and Bubbles are actually related? Well, they have another brother! They're triplets and have adorable names!

Cookie used to be named Cream since she was the lightest and the only girl. Bubbles used to be named Sugar bevause he was in the middle in terms of fur color. Then their brother is named Coffee. Adorable!!

Also, another pet I always WANTED to have is a hamster! They're just so cute!! But my mom hated things that  looked like rats (she hates a lot of things ugh) so I can't get one of those... but one day, I will live on my own and get my own hamster! I'll name him Space!

That's it for this chapter! If you like what you saw, be sure to leave a comment and a vote!
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