Random Story 2: The Original Story

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The very first trippy fanfic. I swear, I wasn't on anything the time I made this
I'll do yours soon, SaltyMemeDweeb

One day, Ralsei walked around for no reason. After walking for a while, he saw Susie chained up to a wall. She struggled hard, but the chains wouldn't budge.

"Help me, damn it!" She screamed at the fluffy boi.

"Who would do such a thing?" Ralsei muttered before going over to try and help. As he walked over, he was suddenly knocked away by a sudden gunshot that pierced through his shoulder!


"Hon hon," a mysterious voice laughed proudly. "She is my prisoner, and you will not take her away!"

"Ralsei, this is bad!" Shouted Susie. "There's no way you can defeat him!"

Ralsei gasped at the appearance of Lafayette on his trusty steed, his very own baguette.

The little prince of darkness was helpless; who would save him and Susie from this French monster?


Swooping down from the sky above was none other than... Harry Potter, ready to save the day on his broom. He brought out his wand and yelled out.


Lafayette grunted as he was thrown off his baguette. "How dare you!"

They battled got hours, giving Ralsie time to heal himself and unchain Susie from her shackles.

The battle finally ended with Lafayette falling to hid knees, defeated.

But Harry, wounded, also fell, gasping his last breaths.

"Ralsei," he said. "There's something you must know."

Ralsei's eyes widened as Harry Potter's true identity was revealed.


"Oh no..." He trembled as tears streamed down his eyes. Ralsei is a little emotional, but this... this is just crushing him.

"I never got to tell you that I loved you." Garbodor's eyes closed, and never opened back up.



Idk what to say lol ohohohohoho this was trippier than the last one

thatguywhosayshi HIIIIIIIII

That's it for now, guys! Ciao! ~Shady

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