Smile (a Skyler x Ford thing cause why not)

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"Skyler," the emotionless demon turned her head to see Ford fixing his scorched coat and turtleneck. She stood up quickly from Stan's recliner and stiffly stared at him.

"Apologies for relaxing in your presence, Sixer," Skyler apologized somewhat profusely with little emotion she had. "The softness of the chair that belongs to your sibling coaxed me."

He shook his head, laughing a bit at how uptight and serious she is. This side of her, to be honest, really made him uncomfortable. He, as well as Mabel and a few others, made it their job to help her learn emotions. There isn't much progress, though.

"Don't be so stiff, Sky," he said, waving his hand at her. "Besides, I was going to ask you something."

"I can assist with whatever you need, Sixer."

He shook his head again with a small smile. "That's not what I want to ask, Sky. It's..."

A few hours earlier, his brother and his great niece walked over to the intellectual man with smug smiles on their faces. They had something up their sleeves, and they knew Ford wasn't going to like it.

"Oh, Grunkle Ford," Mabel called out with excitement. "Grunkle Stan and I were thinking the same thing."

"What is it?" Ford said before looking up at them with a smile. As soon as her saw their faces, his smile faltered and he looked back at his work. "Never mind, I do not want to know. Whatever it is, I won't do it."

Grunkle Stan stifled a laugh; obviously, he knew that his brother would refuse, so they devised a Plan B. "Well, that's too bad... becuase we're not letting Dipper out of the bathroom until you do as we say."

"What?!" Ford yelled, nearly knocking over the table and destroying his invention. "But... but we were supposed to go exploring for the next few days!"

"Unless you do what we want, he's not getting out of there."

Ford grumbled and stood, glaring down at Stan and Mabel who were still snickering and laughing at victory they were having. They stopped once they felt his burning stare at their skin.

"What do I have to do?"

Now, here he is, trying to talk with a "pretty girl" like Skyler in a romantic setting that took him hours to plan just to save his nephew from his insane sister and other great uncle.

He never thought of Skyler as a potential romantic partner, as he tried to explain with them, but he has to admit, she is kind of adorable sometimes with her emotionless attitude, her lack of knowledge at the most common items and that never ending curiosity she had of the world.

Of course, Stan and Mabel ignored him. They told him that talking with someone as chill as her would help her with other girls. He didn't see the logic in this, but if it's for Dipper, then he'd do it.

"A date?" She asked as she was led outside. The sun had already set and the stars started to show up in the dark blue sky. "I do not know what a date is."

"It-It's not really a date," Ford stuttered a little nervously, his face going red. He adjusted his glasses, realizing what they meant when they told him that he can't talk to girls. "It's more of a... er, well... never mind what it actually is," he laughed nervously. "I just... want us to have fun."

Skyler stayed silent for a while before saying something that made his fave rival a tomato. "Fez, your sibling, informed me that there are different ways of "having fun". Which way is this?"

Ford's face burst into a shade of dark red. "D-don't ask about that!" He yelled before muttering on how he'll strangle his brother later.

They arrived at the peak of a hill that's able to overlook the whole town. With a happy smile, he turned to look at Skyler. He pulled his hair back and asked.

"Are you ready to be enchanted?"

"I am ready."

With a push of a button, missiles fired up from different locations in the town and exploded into many colors and shapes that made every citizen's eyes sparkle. Ford let out the breath he was holding; because he didn't have much time, he wasn't sure it would work.

For now, he just hoped that his companion liked it as much as he did. He turned and saw the look on her face. She looked stunned, though she had a hard time actually showing it physically.

Her eyes twinkled in amazement at the sight, and to see her like that, it just made the nerdy man feel a warmth in his chest. The corners of his mouth quirked a bit before he asked her.

"Do you like it?" He wondered. "I made it just for tonight, Sky."

Skyler looked at him, her mouth still agape. She grabbed her cheeks and stretched it out making Ford laugh. "What're you doing?" He asked through his chuckles.

"People smile when they feel a warmth in their chest, do they not? I am trying to simulate a smile."

Ford laughed again. "Even if you don't smile, Sky, you make me smile. I think that's as enchanting as this firework show."

Skyler couldn't explain this feeling she had. She felt warm inside and how she thought happiness felt like. "I appreciate your compliment... Ford."



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