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It wasn't something I could say about just anyone, but I swear Taehyung was a fallen angel from heaven. He glowed. The stars shimmering in the night sky contrast to him, merely were just hydrogen and helium hanging out in space. He set a fire in my heart that burned with nothing but admiration, love.

"Are you deaf or what? Stop daydreaming and pay attention," Risa shouted as she harshly poked my head, making it loll to the side a bit before springing back up.

"S-sorry, I won't let it happen again," I weakly stuttered as I clambered onto my feet.

I never looked forward to physical education. One, I wasn't good at anything we did. Two, either I got a ball to the face or I was embarrassing myself in some other way and lastly, I was stuck in the same class as Risa, who also happened to be in almost every group I was put in. It was definitely not coincidental.

"Girls, gather around. There's a few things I'd like to mention before we get started on the activity," the gym teacher half-yelled, attracting the attention of the girls most likely gossiping, in the corner.

I walked over, dragging my feet as if each step lead me further to my doom, which it probably did. Nothing that teacher ever said was ever good to me. Not basketball, not tennis, not anything. What would make today any different?

I sighed as I awkwardly stood to the side of the group, resting my weight onto my right leg.

"Under certain circumstances, we're forced to share this gymnasium with the boys today. We'll be alternating between boys and girls soccer matches."

Wait, what?

"Y/N, can you get the soccer balls from the locker room?" I nodded as the teacher tossed the keys, catching it last minute.

If we were sharing the gymnasium with the boys and I knew Taehyung was in the opposite class, that meant he'd be in our class any minute then.

I hurried to the locker room, jogging out of the gym and going up the steps, skipping every second one.

When I reached the doors, I scanned through the different shaped keys for the right one.

I smiled at the familiar clicking sound as the door unlocked and swiftly let myself in to retrieve the bag of soccer balls before exiting, however, when I pulled on the metal door it wouldn't budge.

I tried again, this time with more force, making a rattling noise as I began shaking the door in frustration, hoping it would miraculously open for me.

The realization of being locked alone in the dimly lit room, suddenly sunk in as I slumped down onto the cold ceramic floor. My once calm breathing picked up as fumbled with the hem of my shirt.

No one was bound to come looking for someone like me.

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