VB: The Great Papyrus!

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73 I saw a nice-looking dude, wearing a weird outfit coming nearer.

"Sup, bro?" The small dude said.

"You know what's up, bro? What are you doing?" Said Papyrus.

"Staring at this lamp. Wanna see?" Sans returned.

74 "Sans, don't get me started! What if a human comes out from there?"

I remained calm. I kept my cool. I didn't move an inch.

Papyrus is a tall guy. He just looks more slender than his brother.

But I think, Sans is cooler than Papyrus. (I think both of them are ._.)

75 "Someday, I'll join the Royal Guards! Undyne will be so proud of me!

I, the Great Papyrus, will be Popular! Powerful! Prestigious!

The monsters will ask me to be their friend!

I will bathe in a shower of kisses every morning!" Papyrus said.

76 "Maybe this lamp will help you..." Sans said.

I can't stop laughing at their pointless conversations.

But, I like their friendship, their brotherhood.

Papyrus seemed to be very stressed and triggered.

77 "Sans! You are not helping! You just get lazier and lazier every day!

All you just do is sit down and boondoggle, lazybones!" Papyrus exclaimed.

"Take it easy bro. I've also got a ton of work done."

"A skele-ton."

78 I can't stop laughing. I can't breathe. I didn't know Sans got his powers

to do that! Sans is a comedian. He doesn't take it seriously.

"C'mon you're smiling." Sans said.

"I am, and I hate it!" Papyrus returned.

79 "Calm down, Paps. Take it easy...

...down to the bone."

I laughed as loud as I can. Suddenly, Papyrus heard me.

"What was that sound?" Papyrus curiously asked.

80 "It's just this lamp..." Sans returned.

"Oh. See you later, bro! NYEH HEH HEH!" Papyrus said, leaving.

Papyrus likes to say "NYEH HEH HEH!"

It's just kinda weird, but cool.

81 "You can go off now, kid." Sans said.

I went off, laughing.

I have this feeling. Toriel did the same thing, helping me in the dummy-thing.

It happened like this:

82 "What does a skeleton cover his roof with?"

I am clueless. I gave up. "SHIN-gles!"

I laughed so hard. Toriel seemed to be a good comedian, too.

Moving on, I saw something.

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