X: Spear of Justice

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156 Wandering around, I met again the monster kid.

"Yo, human, Undyne told me to get away from you.

Because she said humans are awful.

But, that's not true, right?"

157 "Say something rude so I can hate you." He said.

I want to be friendly to them.

I don't want to hurt someone.

I decided not to say something rude. Instead, I said "No."

158 "O-ok, so I h-have to do it. Man, I hate your guts!"

"Yo, I can't do it. We're friends, right?"

"But yo, I'm going home now.

My parents must be worried at me." He said.

159 The monster was running in the wooden planks,

but he accidentally tripped and fell to its edge!

I ran to him. Undyne saw me.

I pulled the monster up and healed his cuts.

160 "Yo, Undyne. If you want to hurt my friend,

you'll have to get through me, first!" He bravely stood for me.

Undyne ran away.

"Thanks bro!" I said. He went home.

161 I continued walking. It was very, very silent.

The only thing I can hear are my footsteps.

I think this is the end of the Waterfall.

In front of me was a big, tough, great arch.

162 "Hiding behind that kid?" Undyne said.

"You are really a scaredy-human!" She added.

"You are standing in front of all of our hopes and dreams!"

"We would all be happy if you were dead!" She said.

163 "Seven. Seven human souls, and our king will become a GOD."

"Six. That's what we've collected so far."

"I will tell you the story of our people..."

"Long ago..." She said.

164 "Screw it! Why would I tell you that story...

When you're about to die!"

Undyne removed her battle helmet...

And I realized that she is a fish!

165 "Come any closer, human! We'll get this started!"

I stepped forward. I looked up.

I saw her leaping from the top of the arch,

"HERE I COME!" She exclaimed.

166 I saw her took my soul and turned to green.

Green soul - Learn to face danger head on!

Undyne gave me a spear I will use to block.

She started by giving warm-ups, slower spears.

167 "As long as you're green, you can't escape from me!

Unless you know how to face danger head on!"

I ran away from her. She followed after me.

I tried to run to my fastest. I slipped.

168 "You won't get away this time!"

This time, she made a fast and powerful series of spears!

I was fatally damaged.

"Stay determined!" I told myself.

169 I took a bite from what I've left of the butterscotch pie.

I recovered my full health!

"I don't easily give up! I am determined!" She cried.

She blew a big spear to me. I'm hit.

170 She became tired. But she can't give up.

I ran away for the second time.

While I was running, Papyrus gave me a phone call.

"Hello human, this is Papyrus..."

171 Undyne stopped for a moment, listening to our conversation.

"...we should date at Undyne's house later!

I'm sure you two will be good friends!"

As soon as Papyrus hung up, the chasing action continued.

172 Undyne looked really tired.

She can't turn me to green anymore.

But she told me she's not giving up just yet!

"W-We will cross the barrier, and be free!" She said.

173 We two ended up in a place called "Hotland."

Undyne looks like she finally gave up.

"Armor... so... HOT!..." She said, collapsing.

The determined woman fell down and boiled hot.

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