XXI: Asriel Dreemurr

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468 A child goat appeared in the darkness.

The child was wiping his tears off.

He turned around.

He looks like his parents, Toriel and Asgore.

469 "Finally, I'm so tired of being a flower...

Huh...? Are you there?

It's me...your best friend..."

He turned into an overlord, the legendary monster.

470 It's the end.

Everything is made up of void.

The universe disappeared.

Everything went terribly gone.

471 Asriel began shooting stars and rainbows to me.

His attacks were really painful.

I called out for help. But nobody came.

Suddenly, I was hit behind. I ended up dead.

472 I saw everything fading away.

However, my soul was standing.

I saw it broken into pieces.

But it refused.

473 Asriel brought out some of his toys and began shooting at me.

He sent off shockwaves to me.

He shot stars to me.

I died. But it refused.

474 "This is not yet my true power.

Give up your soul!"

The Hyper Goner began attracting everything, including me.

Everything was flushed into him, Asriel.

475 Asriel started to develop wings.

His size grew very huge.

He is the God of Hyperdeath.

He is the legendary monster of the universe.

476 "Your progress, everyone's memories...


The demon began shooting unavoidable homing magical attacks.

From death, I refused to die.

477 After many deaths and resurrections,

Asriel gave me the chance to save my friends.

With the insufficient health I have,

I'll do my best to save them.

478 First, I started saving Sans and Papyrus.

The Lost Souls appeared.

The innocent lifeless monsters began attacking me.

I tried to act.

479 I told them a simple joke.

Maybe it'll help them in remembering me.

Suddenly, memories are flooding back!

"Human, you are our friend!!" They said.

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