XVA: The Big Door

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266 So, I saw this dude standing somewhere around the corner.

"Kid, care for a hang out?"

I surely agreed with him. I followed him.

"Here, I know a shortcut." He said.

267 We ended up in the MTT-Resort.

Sans picked a nice table for us.

Standing up, he began telling me about his past.

I listened carefully to him.

268 "There is a big gate that lies at the far end of Snowdin.

I usually sit in there and watch the skies.

It's perfect for practicing knock-knock jokes.

It's where I learned giving off bad knock-knocks."

269 "One day, I started out.

'Knock knock...' Suddenly, a woman's voice answered.

'Who's there?' She said.

'A broken pencil.'

270 "'A broken pencil who?' She said.

'Nevermind, it's pointless!'

She laughed, and laughed.

She is like my best audience ever!"

271 "Another day, she came back with a knock-knock.

She came back with a good joke.

I laughed.

Suddenly, she's telling me something."

272 "'Whenever, a human comes out of here,

promise me to take good care of them.'

You know, I hate making promises.

But for her, I'll take care of that human."

273 "And so I told her that I hate making promises.

If there came no response...

'you'd be dead where you stand.'"

Sans said, turning serious.

274 "But I give you credits, kid.

Take care of yourself.

Someone's out there worrying about you."

He said, leaving.

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