VIII: Waterfall

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121 I took a nice walk at the wet place, the Waterfall.

I noticed of a little monster, a Shyren, singing.

I sung with her. Every little monster drew near!

I can't believe it. Can a human have monsters as their friends?

122 Walking in a strange silent corridor, I noticed someone.

I saw Papyrus with someone in a heavy armor, anonymous.

"Here is my daily report. I tried to catch that human, I failed.

The human was too swift of his movements to avoid my attacks."

123 "I'm here to apologize, I was unable to catch the human.

I tried my best." Papyrus said.

The character looks really tough in her battle armor.

She is the Captain of the Royal Guards.

124 I saw Papyrus left the scene. It was silent.

I have to be careful of my movements. I am in a pile of grasses.

Suddenly, just as expected, she saw movements.

"I think she saw me!" I ducked.

125 The badass woman drew closer, and closer.

I freaked out, shaking.

Not long, she brought out a spear, looking sharp.

"I hope she won't see me!"

126 After a minute, she gave up, she backed out.

I was sure I'm safe, leaving the grass pile.

A monster came out of the grasses just behind me!

This monster is a child, like me!

127 "Yo! You're so lucky! Undyne was in front of you!" He said.

"If I were you, I will come out of hiding to see her!" He added.

The kid I just met was so cheerful!

Since I got no one to talk to in the Waterfall, I enjoyed talking to him.

128 "See you around!" He said, waving goodbyes.

In one corner, I saw Sans in a small stall.

"Hey kid, care to hangout with me? Let's go to Grillby's." He said.

He added. "I know a shortcut."

129 We sat together in front of Grillby, an odd-looking monster.

Grillby's body is entirely made up of fire, wearing shades and a formal suit.

Wiping some drinking glasses and serving customers.

Sans' best buddy.

130 Sans ordered a pair of fries for us two.

I spilled ketchup on the entire plate.

Sans gave me his own fries, saying he's not hungry.

Thanking him, I took it.

131 Sans told me. "Have you ever heard of a talking flower?"

Echo flowers, they say. It's a mysterious flower. It repeats whatever it hears.

You can wish to them, to the flowers!

One day, Papyrus was tricked by a little flower, to gather all his friends.

132 I left the bar with Sans. We went to our own businesses.

I kept walking. I saw everyone. I saw little monsters!

I also saw echo flowers everywhere in the place.

Interested, I started listening.

133 "I have a dream. I wish we will leave this place."

"The story of our fallen neighbors, monsters..."

"The war between two races, HUMANS and MONSTERS.

"A monster, defeating a human, absorbing its soul. A tremendous beast..."

134 I have walked far, so far.

Suddenly, I saw Undyne standing on the other side.

She chased me. She threw spears at me.

I ran with all my potential. I called for help. But nobody came.

135 Above an echo flower is a golden star.

A checkpoint. A progress to be saved.

I saved my journey, my progress, my development.

The quiet rushing of water, if fills me with determination.

136 I hid in a bush. Undyne was behind me.

I stayed immobile as I can. I tried not to scream for help.

Undyne raised her arm...

And quickly, she grabbed...

137 ...the monster child. The badass girl put him down and ran away.

Leaving the bushes, he said.

"Yo! You were just inches away from her!

I'm never washing my face again, ever!"

138 For the next time, I saw Undyne again,

sharping her magical spears.

She stood up and chased me, for the second time.

It led me into a dead end.

139 Going back, I bumped into Undyne.

I quickly refused myself not to fight her.

I ran to the edge of this 'dead end.'

She is preparing me a surprise.

140 Undyne cast spells into the sky, bringing down spears.

The spears cut the wooden planks, where I am standing.

The platform was wobbling. I kept still.

Suddenly, I fell down into somewhere. It went black.

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