XVI: Death by Glamour

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289 Saving my progress, I saw two doors:

A broken elevator and a fancy door.

They said that behind the elevator must be the king's castle.

It fills me with determination.

290 Entering through the fancy-looking door,

everything went dark.

The only one I can see is Mettaton alone,

at the center of the lifeless room.

291 The robot began speaking its speech.

He began by telling all the truths about Alphys.

"Darling, I must tell you something,

something about the truth about her, Alphys."

292 "Everything, in Hotland and the CORE,

it was all a big lie.

Alphys wanted to be a part of your life.

She has been inserting herself in your story."

293 "She's been putting some obstacles...

so that when you come,

you'll be solving it together.

And make you think that she helps in your journey."

294 "Even me, the robot...

She's been using me to stop you around.

And then she'll interrupt us and 'save your life'.

Everything was all a LIE."

295 As soon as Alphys came over the door,

Mettaton shut the door, getting rid of Alphys.

"Sorry folks, the show has been delayed...

But darling, it's time for the final episode!"

296 "Real Drama! Real Action! Real Bloodshed!

Here we go! 'Attack of the Killer Robot!'"

Mettaton said.

Bigger spotlights and massive speakers fill up the room.

297 The battle started.

Mettaton fired thunderbolts at me.

As soon as the show's going tense so far,

Alphys called me out on the phone.

298 "H-Hello? I-I can't see what's going on there...

But I installed a last feature on your phone...

It's umm...press the yellow button on your phone...

Maybe, that'll help..."

299 And so, I did press the huge yellow button.

My bright-red soul rotated halfway, an inverted heart.

It shed its reddish hue.

My SOUL turned into a yellow!

300 "I-It can be used to shoot M-Mettaton.

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