XIII: Spider Bakesale

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241 I went to a strange, dark place of cobwebs.

At the far end of it, I saw a purple spider lady.

In front of her is a table with baskets of pastries.

"Spider Bakesale - all goes to real spiders!"

242 The lady, Muffet, began talking to me.

"Human, welcome to the bakesale!

Care to buy our pastries? It's only 9999G."

I decide not to buy.

243 Walking to the distant end, I saw a big spider lair.

Curious, but scared, I entered it.

What's inside was nerve-chilling.

"Yikes! Spiders everywhere!"

244 I stopped walking, disgusted.

Backing out, I stepped on a large mass of cobwebs.

I struggled. I pulled my legs off.

Someone trapped me!

245 Muffet began shooting cobwebs in my arms.

"Help! I'm trapped!" I cried.

"Oh dear, your SOUL... is exactly what this next batch needs!"

The spider lady said, grabbing a strange kettle.

246 She began pouring me some strange purple liquid.

"Why so blue deary? I think purple is a better look on you!"

I turned purple, trapped in a strange mass of webs.

I screamed. I called for help. But nobody came.

247 Muffet giggled at me, covering her mouth.

The lady began sending off spiders to me, to bite my sweet body.

I ended up bleeding, wounded, and scratched.

What a nightmare! I shouldn't have been here!

248 For the next turn, she threw spider donuts and croissants at me.

When they touch me, they give off a sting.

It would be painful enough for a human,

a human with a feeble body.

249 "Oh deary, I forgot to introduce to you my pet.

I think you will be his dessert for tonight!

You two have fun!" She said.

All of a sudden, a beast came out of nowhere.

250 A giant creepy cupcake began biting the webs off.

I started running. The beast starts chasing me.

Suddenly, Muffet pulled me back with sticky webs.

Luckily, I felt something inside my pocket.

251 I went hungry. I put out a spider donut from my pocket.

I ate the donut. I recovered my full health.

"Hey! Where'd you get that?

You...you..." She cried.

252 Luckily, I got these somewhere in the ruins.

"Oh dear, I'm sorry for interrupting your day.

Sorry, please accept my mercy. I am sparing you."

And so, I spared her.

253 "I'm very sorry, dear. I'll let you pass...

Good luck on your way there!

You can come back anytime, dear!"

She said, waving at me.

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