VI: Snowdin Town

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96 I made it through a happy small town called "Snowdin."

A while ago, Papyrus made me some spaghetti.

It tasted really good, a bit awful.

"I, Master Chef Papyrus, will cook every food you ever wanted!"

97 This time, no more puzzles. I haven't seen Papyrus yet in this town.

In the town, I saw happy monsters, living in harmony.

I even saw a shop, an inn, the Grillby's bar, and the "Librarby",

which is misspelled wrong.

98 Walking to the end of the town, there was deep silence.

I hear rustling breeze, and rushing water heading somewhere.

There was whiteout. There was blizzard.

I saw Papyrus' silhouette, standing authoritatively.

99 "You're a human, aren't you?" He said.

"Human, I must capture you and bring you to the capital.

You must be sent to the king and take your soul.

And I will be able to join the Royal Guards when I catch you!"

100 "Human, after it, we shall be no longer rivals!

Instead, we must be fr..."

"No, I'm wrong. I can't be friends with humans like you!

I must do my part - to capture you!"

101 "Then I will be Popular, Persistent, and Powerful!

That's Papyrus! The newest member of the Royal Guards!"

It went dark. I saw Papyrus in the battlefield!

The battle between a human and a skeleton started.

102 Bones start to pop-up from the ground, trying to stab me upwards.

Despite the quick movement, I managed to avoid them all.

"NYEH HEH HEH! You managed to avoid them human!

How about this?" Papyrus cried.

103 I felt heavy. My red soul turned into a blue! Sneaky Papyrus!

That way, it's easier for him to play.

My only chance of survival is jumping. Blue souls are

affected by the gravitational forces of the Earth.

104 Avoiding all of the bones, he said

"Not bad! How about this! Beware!"

Blue-colored bones appeared.

Not knowing of what to do, I am hit.

105 I have this knowledge stuck in my mind.

I read it about this at the library...

"Blue attacks - Don't move and it won't hurt you."

And so, I did not move for his next turn. I tricked him.

106 The battlefield was full of bones.

Papyrus seemed to be tired.

"Human! Y-You did it! I-I pity you, human!

N-Now, please accept my m-mercy. I am sparing y-you!"

107 I spared Papyrus. I lend my hand to make him up. He is really tired.

I told him "Let's be friends, Papyrus!"

"Really? Wowie! I never had a human friend before!"

"Let's date, human! Let's meet at my house!"

108 I followed him in his house. It looks very cool!

I opened his television. "MTT - stay tuned for some action!"

Papyrus loved this episode. He told me.

He also introduced me to Rocky, Sans' pet rock, covered in sprinkles.

109 I went to his kitchen.

"Welcome to my food museum, human!"

I looked inside his fridge. Inside are plates of spaghetti,

and an empty bag of chips.

110 Inside one of Papyrus' closets was bunch of spaghetti recipes.

He told me to open it. But an annoying dog was inside, biting a bone.

Sans funnily played his trombone out from his room, trolling Papyrus.

"Welp, it was my trom-bone!"

111 "Sans, you're ruining our date!" Papyrus exclaimed.

I went to Papyrus' bedroom.

"Human, we can go inside and start the date!" Papyrus said.

Well, we started the date!

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