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"You were really awesome back there dude!" Kirishima uttered grinning at me talking about the quiditch match where both our teams won, of course, with gallant and grace our house effortlessly won. I smirk at his statement, he always tells me that our team will be defeated someday, maybe once I'm gone Griffindor will finally win.

I ignored Kirishima most of the time, merely reading a book about the potions. We took a lot of attention, mostly the Slytherin and Griffindor house since it is rather rare to have circle of friends from different houses, Kaminari from hupplepuff along with Satou, Sero and Kirishima from Gryffindor then there's me and Todoroki from Slytherin and of course.... Mineta in Ravenclaw, I am still wondering what he is doing there. Gryffindor and Slytherin had been rival houses since history began so I wouldn't really question the odd stares we're getting.

I don't really give a damn about them, I usually don't... So I did not particularly understand why I befriend these idiots.

As long as they don't get in my way and they bring challange to my life I don't really mind. Kirishima here is the keeper of of quiditch team, he has been quite annoying recently since it was hard to break through his defense... Todoroki here pisses me off since he has better marks than I do. He couldn't even perform a wandless spell like I do! The only special thing about him is that he is an animagus, wizards that are quite rare recently.

And since Animagi is a hard type of magic to comtrol, he obviously have an upper hand... It's pissing me off.

"You should stop thinking about how better I am than you, it is terrible for your mentality." I glared at Todoroki as he was also reading a book such as I am. I rolled my eyes remembering how he was praised by of Defense againts the dark arts teacher. I also did a fucking good job yet I heard nothing.

Probably because I am a muggleborn as they know. I usually don't care, but I am not afraid to raise my voice when there is a fucking injustice that covers my real potential and talent. The world had to see me, and if they ever go againt that I would not show even the slightest mercy to put things right.

"Shut the fuck up Todoroki." I ignored him the following minutes as I thought it was about time for another subject of mine. I groaned, not really feeling like going to another class today.

"Oi! Bakugou!" Sero called out as I stood up from the group.

"Classes." I merely responded walking away wondering what kind of classes am I going to attent today. Probably another boring one.

The following day... Kirishima wasn't around...

"I don't know where he is, he receive a howler earlier and listened to it in our room. After that, he went screaming and went out of our house, confusing me." Sero uttered scratching his cheeks as I raise an eyebrew. Why the fuck would he start screaming after receiving a howler?

"Is the howler a death threat?"

"I don't think so, it came from his father."

"Maybe his father said he'll come here and he hid himself?"

"Why would he? Kirishima has no problem in his classes and he and his fatger are very clos---." Kaminari cut himself off seeing the red head we were yalking about. I didn't fail to notice that he was looking around frantic.

Our jaws fell as a girl, probably from Ravenclaw suddenly jump from behind him, covering his eyes. Kirishima laughs before the girl let go both of them laughing. We are still staring at disbelief.

Not by Blood : (Fem!Deku x Kacchan BNHA x Harry Potter fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now