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"Katsuki Bakugou has captured the snitch ladies and gentleman! We finally have our winner!" I smirk holding the snitch up high my teamates praising me. It's rather great to have them actually appreciate me than the rest of the house and that alone is enough. Victory always smells so nice.

Ravenclaw groaned in the defeat as we went back to our tent. My teamates may have cheated, I'm pretty sure that did not escape from their notice.

"Claims they're smart and all, just a bunch of lossers." I want to strangle who uttered that after seeing Deku with the team, with a guy with glasses. That actually annoys me.

"Misserables lossers huh." She uttered out of the blue as she raise her wand numbers and letters appearing right above us. G, S, R and H had numbers below them. R, having 765 while G and S were tied with a 517 my jaws fell.

"Good luck beating that." She grinned almost like a smirk. "Housecup is ours."

"Where on earth did you get that?!"

"Had been calculating the scores since the school year started actually. Piece of cake actually."

"That's simple to beat, just polyjuice a bunch of Ravenclaws and break the rules." I uttered interfering as she glared at me. I'll never get her to like me this way.

"That's unfair." I smirk.

"It's Slythein for the win, strawberries."

"Well, they always say to let a lady win."

"Fuck you Deku."

"Sharp tongue speaking, apologies."

"Not accepted."

"Bakugou." I groaned hearing Todoroki's voice as I glared at him. I stop eventually as I saw a bunch of girls waving at me giggling and squealing. I usually ignore them, but fuck, when I rejected one she almost jump off the astronomy tower. Todoroki since then told me to be at least polite.

"We'll see who wins eventually, Deku."

"We will." I don't know what that means. 'We will win' or 'we will see'? But I chose to ignore that following the girls. One of them grab me by the arm and dragged me outside a bright flush across her cheeks as she could not look at me in the eye.

Still not as cute as Deku.

"What you did there was anazing." She uttered smiling widely as I look away.

"I know."

"You'd be cute if you're not rude ya know!"

"Don't care."

"Oh come on Kacchan!" My eyebrew twitch as she grab my arm again, I glared at her upon hearing that nickname that only Deku is allowed to utter.

"Don't call me that..." My glare at her sharpen as my orbs widen seeing the greenette before me, smiling at me mischevously.

Shit... This is a love potion, this is a fucking love potion but I haven't drank or eaten anything at all.

Was it through inhalation?

"Kacchan?" She is not Deku!

What the fuck is wrong with my head?!

"I really love you Kacchan. I had always love you, from the first day we met." She uttered sweetly sick as I want to glare at her, but my body is not responding to my brain at all.

"Do you love me?" Before I notice it, I heard myself said yes. I cursed from within me as she suddenly pulled me to lean over her, my hands moving on it's own as I wrap it around her waist. Our lips brushed againts each other as I screamed internally, wanting to run away, to push her, and get the fuck away from here!

Shit! Shit! Shit! This not real! This can never be fucking real?!

The kiss grew even deep, as my hand was already holding unto her head. It's irritating that I hear her voice, I see her eyes, I see her hair. This is not her, this may be real but there's no way this bitch is my Deku!

"Flipendo!" She was pushed away from me as I fell backward, panting as I covered my lips with my arm. The girl returned to her original appearance. She glance at me as I glared at her.

"What the fuck?! Just what the fuck! How fucking dare you use her!!!" I screamed rage bottling up within me. I never felt violated before, sure my friends may have done hummiliating pranks but this was entirely fucked up and different.

"I-I'm sorry! I just really--- I just really---!"' How she stuttered only pissed me off more. She began to remind me of her and I did not like it even in the slightest matter. A bitch, a whore like her doesn't have the right to be even compared to her.

"Fuck you! Just fuck you! Get the fuck out of my sight!" Tears started to stream down her cheeks as she ran off. I glance over my shoulder seeing Todoroki holding his wand as he was along with Deku.

My orbs widen as I began to tremble.

Oh fuck. Did she saw it? Did she saw that? Just shit!

"Hey calm down." Todoroki told me, walking toward me as he knelt right beside me. I am still fucking pissed.

"How the fuck would I?! How the fuck would I?! That was my fucking---."

"First kiss?" My face burned red as he smirk, before chuckling.

"Fuck you."

"Just calm down, I know what you feel. Just take a breath okay?" I cursed all over again as I glance at Deku. By the time our eyes met, her face burned red as she ran away.

That can't be good.

"Amorllucio, a potion that once breath in you would see the face of the one you love on the person you first saw, eventually your body falls inlove yet your concious that what you are doing is wrong." Todoroki explained as I actually remembered reading that somewhere.

"Does that involve the reason why Deku ran away?" I ask as I think he's beggining to say these things because she ran away.

"Yes, she's aware of that potion and you uttered her name while kissing that girl." I grew pale as I moaned out in agony.

"At least she's now aware of your feelings."

"Fuck you, Todoroki, just fuck you."


The comic strip below is Base on chapter 9 btw when books fell over Kacchan. (ignore my fucked up handwriting please)

 (ignore my fucked up handwriting please)

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Not by Blood : (Fem!Deku x Kacchan BNHA x Harry Potter fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now