Bitter Memories

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The light clicking sound of the door as it closed echoed loudly inside the silent study. Out of the corner of her eyes she saw Elrohir swiftly walking past her and towards the place where Lord Elrond stood patiently, but she could not force her own feet to move. Her eyes remained fixed on Elladan's, trapped in his deep stare, frozen inside his irises of endless liquid silver. He had not moved, not even blinked as he gazed into her eyes, and she could see the transparent hurt that stained his eyes, the anger, and the plea for forgiveness.

The melodic sound of elven words being exchanged between Elrohir and the Elf-Lord reached her ears, floating softly in the quiet air. They felt so distant, so far away even thought they had been pronounced only some feet away. All she could see was Elladan's still figure standing across the room, and suddenly that distance seemed bigger than ever, the room seeming to have stretched infinitely, until she felt that she would never be able to reach the place where the elder twin stood.

Then, Elladan moved. Slowly, almost hesitantly, he opened his arms, his silver eyes still staring into hers, but they did not hold the slightest glint of command in them. On the contrary, they were doubtful, pained, seeming to simply hold an invitation, one that was completely up to her whether or not to accept.

Suddenly, everything around her became real. The riders lurking like black ghosts across the rivers, the awful singing of the rangers, the man's hands gripping at her wrists as he forcefully tried to kiss her, Elrohir's soothing presence as they walked back to the house... and Elerrina did not need to think it twice. She could feel her chest starting to fill with a number of emotions she could not name.

Her feet reacted instantly, crossing the room in long strides, wrapping both of her arms around Elladan's middle as she buried her head in his chest. Immediately, she felt his arms wrapping around her small body, pressing her tightly and securely against him, and she was sure he would not let go.

She could still hear Elrohir and Lord Elrond talking lowly in elvish, but that seemed of little importance now. She did not need to understand the words to know what Elrohir was telling his father. She did not care that Elrohir was in the room, that the Elf-Lord was in the room, she simply wanted to remain there, safe in Elladan's embrace.

She could feel her eyes starting to fill with tears, but she did not know why she was crying. Relief? Shock at what had happened in the gardens? Regret from every word she had yelled? The need to beg him to forgive her? She felt Elladan tighten his hold on her as her body started to shake faintly. He had not said a single word, but no words were needed, his accepting embrace spoke louder than any word she had ever heard. He remained completely still, his head still looking at the front, but she could feel his desperation, his anger, his need to hold her close to him.

"I want them gone" Elladan's voice trembled with ire as he spoke; gaining the attention of the other two elves that occupied the room. Elerrina did not need to ask to know exactly whom Elladan meant by 'them'.

She could almost hear Elrohir and the Elf-Lord turning to look in their direction, but she did not look up, she did not want to leave her safe hiding place in Elladan's arms as she further buried her face in the fine silk of his tunic. She could feel the light material already wet with her tears, but Elladan had not seemed to notice, or if he did, he did not seem to care. Elerrina was only glad that her face was not visible to anyone. She did not want Elrohir or Lord Elrond to see that she was crying, although she knew that both elves were very much aware that she was.

"I will speak to them in a moment. They will leave in the morning. Such behavior is not tolerated here in Imladris." She heard The Elf-Lord say in a calmed, diplomatic voice, and she could make out a faint gleam of reassurance and sympathy in the composed tone as The Lord of Imladris comforted his distressed son.

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