Chapter 13

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Jungkook POV 

~A Few Days later~ 

Our company did not take the news well. They did however get over it when we showed them that we really do love each other and that it's not a "phase." Thats right. You heard me correct. They said it might be a fucking phase. So naturally Jimin and I made out in front of them. 

That was a joke. 

We did not do that. 

We did kiss. Just not make out. That would be really weird to do in front of them. 

Anyways, today we are doing a short show for promotions and they said we had to address the rumors today. 

Wanna hear some more bullshit? 

We are supposed to hide it...apparently forever.

we get why of course but we don't want to. We have to listen though. They said it was either this or we had to break up and they would move Jimin out of the dorm. We don't want to break up so we said we would deny everything. 

Mr. BigHit Bang said that he would support us as a couple but he was worried about how the world would see us. We told him it was 2017 and the worlds views have changed. "Yeah, In America" was his response. "Thats not entirely true." we reasoned. "But it mostly is." Was the response we got back. 

(A/N: I dont really know what the views on Homosexuality are in Korea so if I got something wrong then I'm sorry.)

We just got done preforming Not Today but Jimin sat off to the side on a spinning chair thing because of his leg. He still wanted to ding for everyone. Next we sing Spring Day and then we have to tell everyone. We all decide to sing Spring Day while sitting down so the Jimin doesn't feel lonely. We bring out all are spinning chairs and then I help Jimin over to his chair causing the crowd to cheer because they think it's for fan-service. In reality I haven't let the other member touch him since his release from the hospital. 

After we sing Spring Day the other members go off stage and I stand up. Namjoon takes my seat backstage for me as I stay with Jimin. Jimin stands up and I Take his seat closer to the front of the stage and then help hi to his seat again. He sits down and then I stand a little off to the side away from him. I sigh but try not to show my aggravation. Jimin holds the mic up to his lips.

"How is everyone today?"

The crowd cheers loudly. 

"Unfortunately Jungkook and I have to talk about something that doesn't seem to be a very good thing." 

A lot of "Wae's" are heard from the fans. I don't like this...I don't want this. I want Jimin but I don't wanna have to hide that. 

"I'm sure you have all heard the rumor about Jungkook and I dating. There were even pictures. We are standing before you today to tell you these rumors are-"

"Absolutely 101% True." I cover my mouth and almost drop my mic. 

I said it before I could even think. The crowd goes quiet. I look at Jimin who is staring at me intensely. I stare back but my eyes unlock with his when we hear cheers from the crowd. From the ones I can see they all have smiles on their face. They suddenly start a chant. 

"Prove It, Prove It, Prove It..." It goes around the room we are in. I look back a Jimin who is still staring at me like I'm crazy. That look makes me crazy. My body moves before my mind has time to react and before I know it my lips are on his. He instantly kissed me back. I block out everyone around us. We only break away when we need air.  When we do the whole crowd erupts into cheers of happiness. Jimin smiles up at me. I take the mic from his hand so he can't say anything and I stand behind him and talk into the mic. 

"A.R.M.Y! I hope you understand. I have never loved anymore more that Chim Chim. Please forgive me." 

Based on the girls in the front row; I had been forgiven ever since the kiss. 

"Jimin is who I want to be with. Please understand this. I'm so sorry if I disappointed you but I can't hide it anymore. That would make me even sadder than if Jimin and I broke up." 

The crowd "Awe's". Jimin smiles up at me. 


I give him back the mic. 

"Yes, Kookie?"

"I love you!" I make a heart with my hand. 

Jimin blushes and tries to hide his face. The crowd cheers again for what seems like the 15,000th time. 

"We have to go now everyone! I love you all just as much as Jimin!" 

"Yes, I love you all too. Thank you for being supportive!" 

The other guys come back out on stage. We end the show. When we go back stage they say they are proud of us and Kari holds onto me while tearing up

"I didn't know my big brother could be so heartfelt and adorable! Why you never treat me like that?!" I laugh at her. 

"Don't you have Jin for that now?" I ask her. 

She pouts at me and then goes over to Jin and hugs him. 

Jimin smiles at me. Sugamon and V-Hope tell say that they admire us because they "would never be able to do that." As Yoongi says 

We go back home but as we are going up to our dorms our manager stops us. 

"Jimin, Jungkook. PD-Nim wants to talk to you in his office. NOW." 

The guys wish us luck and Kari hugs me. 

Time to go face HitMan...


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