Chapter 14

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Jimin POV

"I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TWO TO DENY EVERYTHING!?" We cringe at PD-Nim's outburst. 


"I can't deny it either because there are damned videos of you two kissing on stage! Angry fans are already saying things." 

"Then they aren't true fans. True fans would be happy for us." I say to him. 

"I don't care. Jimin. I have to move you out of the dorm now." 

"What? Why?" Jungkook asks 

"I just have to okay. The other members aren't going to like it if you two get to...close in the dorm." 

"What are you talking about the other members are just like us except for Jin. Him and Kari are together." I cover Jungkook's mouth. 

"Excuse me?" His voice is firm. 

"Sir, If I really have to I'll move out...on one condition." 

"Which is?" 

"Jungkook comes with me." 

He sighs but looks at us. I wrap an arm protectively around Kook's waist. 

"Fine. He can live with you. Go start packing. I already have the place picked out." 

We bow to him and leave his office. 

"Well...that could have been worse." 

"I guess." 

" least we get to live together..." I lean closer to his ear. 

"No one can hear us, See us, disturb us..." I whisper to him. 

I know he smiles at my comments.

"You're right. This will be great! Lets go pack!" 

We race each other to the dorm. When we get there we tell everyone whats happening and Jin has to physically pick Kari up and hold her so she doesn't run out of the door and yell at PD-Nim. 

"Kari. I'm okay. We are okay. Don't worry." 

She puffs her cheeks. V has his head in J-Hopes lap and looks up at us from the couch. 

"Can I come visit you guys?" 

"Of Course." 

"Hobi~ Maybe we should tell people and get our own apartment too." 

"Hush, Tae. Not now." He smiles down at him. 

Yoongi-Hyung looks up at Namjoon waiting for him to say something. He shakes his head at him. He knows that there is nothing he can do. Sometime I wonder who wears the pants in their relationship. 

The people who are taking our stuff to the new apartment are here now. They come in and out taking boxes and suit cases with them. In and Out. Once they are done our manager says it's time to go. We say goodbye to everyone and Kari tries once more to run out and go begged PD-Min but Jin grabs her again. She hugs Jungkook and I tight and almost refuses to let go. We finally pry her off and leave the building. 

~At the Apartment~ 

I almost positive it's bigger than the dorm. Or Maybe it's just because only two of us are here. They left all our stuff here and then the manager showed us around. It's weird not having all the guys here to annoy us. I smile at Jungkook and open my arms for a hug. The taller comes over to me and hugs me. I burry my head into his chest and mumble. 

"Sorry what did you say, babe?" 

"I said 'Welcome Home, My love." 

He smile and leans down to kiss me. After thats over we begin to set up our new life. 


Sorry this is really short. I wanted to Update. 

The end is near and it will go out with a bang. Literally or figuratively I don't know yet *Wink* 

~See You Next Time! 

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