My Thank You

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This will be the final thing I write in this book. (Probably). My Thank You Note.

Read it or don't its up to you.

Never in the 3 years that I have been on this website/app have I ever thought that one of my stories would be loved this much. I mean 2K reads?! Thats insane for me. You may go to my profile and find I have a meme book thats in the 8K range...but that wasn't me. I mean it was Me but I didn't make the memes. All that happened there was my phone storage was full and I thought it would be a good place to put everything. This book on the other hand. This was Me. My idea. My Story. My Mind. I did this myself. And all of you 2K+ people enjoyed reading it. You left encouraging comments. You gave votes. You added it to your reading list because you liked it so much that you didn't mind showing that you did. If you want honest there were many times were I wrote a whole chapter and deleted it and then wrote it again and deleted it again. I did that until I thought the chapter was good enough for all of you to read it.

I am insanely grateful to all of you readers. Even if you didn't comment or vote. Even if you didn't even like it and you stopped reading. You still gave it a chance. Thank you so much for giving it a chance. For giving Me a chance. I know I'll probably look back at this in a few months and cringe at it but hey. It was my first major story that I honestly 100% enjoyed writing. I cringe so badly at all the other books that came before this one. At the time I thought they were amazing too.

Seriously. Thank You. It means so much to me.

I'll miss this book. I really will.

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