Chapter 8

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Jimin POV

When I wake up again I don't feel Jungkook holding my hand anymore. I open my eyes and look around. Everyone is sitting around the room doing something to occupy themselves. I see Jungkook with his head down beside me. He's dressed in something different from before.


His head and everyone else's snaps towards me. They all get in a panicky mode and Taehyung quickly goes and gets a doctor. I don't understand what's going on...I don't think I slept that long...Jungkook pushes through everyone and starts repeating "I'm Sorry" over and over again.

In sooooo confused by what's going on right now.

The doctor comes in hurriedly.

"Mr. are you feeling?"

"Fine. I mean I just took a nap so..."

Jungkook clings a little more to me and the doctor smiles sadly.

"Yes...just a nap...I'll ummm come back to do a check up on you in about Half an Hour...everyone would you follow me outside for a minute? I need to get you all new passes." Everyone silently follows the Doctor out but Kari has to pull Jungkook off me. He looks at me with a tear stained face and let's out a sob but goes outside. Kari looks at me, she's also crying, now that I think about it everyone was. She comes over and kisses my head. Then walk out of the room.

What is going on?

Kari POV

I stand beside Kook and hug his torso. He puts his arm on my shoulder and squeezes me close to him as I cry. Suga clings to Namjoon and Namjoon just silently pats his head staring into space. Jin leans against the wall back tuned to us, crying silent tears. Hobi and V hold each other too. The doctor looks sadly at all of us then says

"At least he woke up. That's a good thing right? And he's almost healed. Just another 2 weeks."

Jungkook squeezes tighter. It hurts a little but I don't care.

"Do you know how terrified we were?" Jin snaps. Jin's scary when he's angry. Normally I only see his happy, sweet side. He glares at the doctor.

"We could have LOST him!"

"But you didn't. He's there. He's awake! He's alive, breathing, and talking."

The doctor sighs.

"Look I know it must be hard for you all with all the news and rumors going around about Mr. Jungkook and Miss. Brie's break up and all and what she's come out as...I know it must be hard on Mr.Namjoon and Mr.Yoongi because of their coming out too. I know that it's hard for you all to now have this on your plate. But some one needs to go in there and explain what happened. To him so he's not left in the dark."

Jungkook releases me.

"I'm going to do it. You can all stay here."

A chorus of No's ring out except for me. I'm the only one who know about Jungkook and Jimin right now...he told me one night when I stayed here as well.

"No. Let Jungkook do it. It's best if it's him." I wipe away my tears and open the door shoving him in and then closing it.

"Why Kari?" Yoongi ask curiously.

"It's something that Jimin should hear from Jungkook"

They all mumble something and sit down. The doctor pats Jins shoulder and I go to sit with Jin.

"Hes gonna be okay, Oppa" I say while leaning on him.

"I know."

Jimin POV

Jungkook comes back in and sits on the bed.

"Kookie? What's going on? Why is everyone acting strange?"

He doesn't look at me but he's shaking. Crying more. I sit up and grab at his arm pulling him towards me. He doesn't hesitate to come over to me and wraps his arms around my torso.

"Jungkook. What happened? Don't cry. I'm okay. You're okay. We are all okay. There's nothing to worry about-"

"You died Jimin."

"Excuses me?" I look at him confused.

"After I told everyone you were okay. We came back in and you were going to sleep. I was too. We did fall asleep. A couple of minutes later though I was startled by a beeping sound. Your heart beat line went flat Chim Chim! I ran and got you help and they revived you luckily....but they had to put you in a medically induced Coma. They had to do operations to find out what was wrong....they found out that you got infected by something I don't remember what it was....because your body was already too weak though it caused complications. They fixed it now."

I stare at him really hard. I was dead? I almost died? What the actual fuck?! I snap back into reality when I hear muffled sobs escape Jungkook. I look at him sadly. I'm about to comfort him when he keeps talking.

"And the worst part is...*sniffle* you never would have been here if it weren't for me. It's all my fault. You almost died because of me. They wouldn't let me see you until 2 days after revival. I thought I lost you. I thought they just weren't going to tell me until I calm down. Then they said I could see you so I thought you were awake. Only to learn you would be asleep until your body told you it was time to get up....I thought of all the things I worried about before...the fans, company, and friends...I said fuck it because the thing I'm scared of most is losing you...and then I almost did...Chim Chim. You can NOT died again."

My tears are also falling. I look into his eyes. Beautiful and Brown. I could kiss him right now if I wanted to. But now is not the time or place. I want to heal and be my normal self before I get to do that. So instead I gently kiss his forehead.

"Kookie it's not your fault. I'm always going to be here with you. I promise not to die again. I'll never leave you either."

"You swear?"

"I swear"

He hold on tighter and then someone knocks on the door. Kari opens it and talks.

"Hey guys it's just me...can I come in." I wait for Jungkook to try and get away but he doesn't.

"Yeah you can bring them all in."


I hug Jungkook tighter and the guys sit around the room. I notice Yoongi and Namjoon first. Sitting and holding each other...when did that happen? Jin opens his mouth and speaks.

"Park Jimin..."

"Yes, Hyung?"

He comes over and hugs me tight.

"I missed you so much! Thank you for staying alive. I love you. We love you...please don't do anything stupid like this again..." He cries on me and Kari comes to get him away before he crushes me.

Seeing everyone like this makes me feel really upset and bad. They are all crying and Kari can't even look at me without sobbing.

'The first thing I'm going to do when I get out of make it up to all of you.'


Thank you for reading.

- Kai

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