Vadim and Daphan

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Today was the day Vadim and Daphane are coming! They said they should be here in about 2 more hours. So far this has been the only thing that has been the bright side of this whole mess.

Samara was upstairs getting ready. The babies were aound a sleep for now. I got a text form Daphne sayimg they would be here in 30 mins. So that gave us time.

I don't mean to walk around like a zombie but I really can't help it. I mean come on. What if you found out the love of your life was dying in a year...

Samara was upstairs getting ready. She was putting on make up and fixing her red wig. Her face lost its color really so she is really pale.. So she is trying to cover it up by putting color into it. Also making sure the wig stays on also. We thought it would be best to not tell them..

Samara does not want any sadness from this. She wants to have a good time and laugh and smile with them before she goes. I tried to explain to her but she still does not want to say. So whatever let her do what she wants.

I walked into the bathroom that she was in. I stood by the door and just watched her. I do not mean to be creepy but I just need to savor each and every moment. She smiles when she sees me.

"What are you looking at?" She asked with a silly face.

I chuckled. "The most beautiful woman on this Earth." I said. She again blushed. A smile spreads across my face. I walk up behind her and take her into my arms.

"What are you thinking about?" Samara asked.

"I do not know my love." I answer honstley.

She just rested her hean on my arm. No matter what. I am by her side. 

Then my phone goes off. It was Daphane saying they will be here in 5 mins! My face light up and so did Samara when i showed her the text. We went into the kids's room. I got Charlotte and Samara had Maximillion. Then we ran down the stairs and waited on our porch outside.

Soon enough a red truck come up our driveway and out came Daphane and Vadim with their new twins in hand. Samara walked half way to meet them and I was right behind her. We gave our half hugs because we both had babies in our hands.

"How was the trip?" Samara asked giving Vadim a hug.

"Looong!" VAdim said.

Then Samara and I led them into our home and into the kitchen.

'Would you guys like anything todrink? I made blue kool-aid!" Samara said.

"Yes!!!!!" Daphane and Vadim said.

So Samara gave Maximillion to me and she got two glasses out and poured kool-aid in them both.

"Samara I love the red oon you! What made you change it?" DAphane asked.

"You know something different." She said with a smile.

"You look great to. The baby weight come off too?" Daphane asked.

"Yes and more." She said.

"What did you do?" DAphane asked.

Then Maximillion started crying. Saving Samara because the look on her face said that she did not think into that very much. Samara took Maximillion into her arms and bounced him up and down lightly.

"Hey you guys want to come ion the living room?" I asked trying to devert the attenchen away.

"Sure." Daphane said.

We all went into the living room. I guess we were going to play catch up anyways.

"How are things going for you guys and the new babies?" Samara asked.

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