Dating a Hufflepuff

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1.) Pettiness. Seriously, who knew that Puffs were so petty?

2.) "It's our 2 week anniversary? What the heck is that?"

3.) Baking cookies for your significant other's birthday

4.) Likes to call their significant other dumb pet names

5.) Blushes if your hands touch even if you've been dating for years

6.) Really, really awkward when meeting the parents

7.) In your wedding, having 200 bridesmaids/groomsmen because ALL of your friends have to be there!

8.) Dragging your s.o. along to random events (Your friend's quidditch game, going to the store for gum, looking at trees)

9.) Doing silly activities together, like egg hunts

10.) Trying to convert your significant other to HUFFLEPUFF!!!!

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