Famous Hufflepuffs

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1). Tom Holland

Okay, yes. Tom Holland insists he's a Gryffindor. But I am confident if he actually took the test, he would be a Hufflepuff. In every interview, he is very friendly and courteous... Hufflepuff traits. Additionally, he works very hard, long hours, and does many of his own stunts.

2.) Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson (aka "Musclepuff")

This one is canon! In case you don't know, the Rock confirmed on Twitter that he is indeed a Hufflepuff! And very loyal to Hufflepuff as well...

3.) John Green

John Green is proud to be a Hufflepuff, and we're so glad. Anyone who wonders if they are an octopus and throws themselves at a wall to see if they stick is definitely a friend of ours.

John also writes about emotional topics in his books. Hufflepuffs are great writers because they're sympathetic and understanding.

4.) James Corden

Unconfirmed, but James Corden is just so friendly, happy, and compassionate. This one is a no-brainer.

5.) Kristen Bell

Who is more enthusiastic and kind than Kristen Bell? She's just so genuine, and she always has time to speak with fans despite her hefty work load.

6.) Kate Middleton

For one thing, "Waity Katie" has buckets of patience. For another, she is known for her endless charity work.

7.) Chris Pratt

Chris always puts family first, and he is extremely modest. He told Jimmy Fallon, "I think you deserve all your success because you were nice to me and nice people deserve success."

8.) Jennifer Lawrence

Very hardworking, very likable, and, of course, a very healthy appreciation of food. JLaw advocates for women's rights and more pizza. She's also very down-to-Earth.

Hufflepuff celebrities typically don't let the fame get to their head. As for us at home, we fan(girl)(boy)(etc) over them, but we always remember that they are just people, and they deserve to be treated like anyone else!

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