Things You Didn't Know about Hufflepuff House

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1.) Hufflepuff House collects spare change to donate

2.) The Hufflepuff common room has never been broken into because why bother? If you ask, they'll let you in.

3.) The Hufflepuff Quidditch team has more backup players than any team. Even if you don't make it on the actual team, you can still come to practices and get better.

4.) By tradition, Hufflepuff table is served last at the feasts. They wait for the other tables to start eating first.

5.) Hufflepuff rarely loses House points, but they don't get House points very often either. Hufflepuffs are very humble, so their good deeds often go unnoticed

6.) Hufflepuff House has a calendar of holidays and birthdays. Your birthday will never be forgotten, and even the smallest religions are respected.

7.) Although Hufflepuffs love plants, many of them don't actually have green thumbs. In fact, many of them leave the gardens up to Professor Sprout because they know that they'd accidentally kill the plants.

8.) Hufflepuffs are easily annoyed, but it's hard to make a Hufflepuff really angry.

9.) Since Hufflepuff has a lot of muggleborn students, the Hufflepuff common room includes several muggle tools such as a coffee maker, ballpoint pens, and a microwave.

10.) Hufflepuffs aren't violent, but if someone says the world "mudblood", Hufflepuff House invented a charm that throws sticky mud on the person who said the name.

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