Chapter 1

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He kisses my cheek softly as we walk down the stony footpath. "I'm so glad you're my girlfriend," he says. "I love you so much."

I smile up at him, re-adjusting my grip around his waist. "Nawh, I love you too," and kiss him back.

Yeah. I know what you're thinking. This story can't possibly begin with a romantic relationship already formed! And besides, you can't start with snogging in the middle of the street either.

I get it. But this isn't what I wanted either. I know I said I loved him too, but my boyfriend isn't what I want sometimes. I've already known for quite some time that I'm not only attracted to guys.

You see, there's this girl. Her name's Stephanie. She's so fucking hot. I would do anything to even talk to her. I'm so nervous around her, even though she's definitely straight and I'm way out of her league. But she's just so attractive, and confident...



"What do you reckon?" says Liam.

"What about?"

"Oh, you're so ditsy aren't you! You were in another world, weren't you."

"Wouldn't you like to know," I mumble under my breath.

"Anyway, I thought we should go out to dinner. As a special 2 year anniversary thing."

"Wait, it's been that long? I don't believe it!" And I mean it. I literally don't believe it at all. Two years? That's a long bloody time.

"Where should we go? Somewhere fancy, or the usual?" he says as we turn the corner to our street.

"Definitely somewhere fancy. Y'know, whack on your best shirt, shine your shoes up a bit, and go where the rich baby boomers go!"

He laughs. "Oh you."


Once we get back to the apartment, I check my phone and see that Liam and I have been invited to a small party with a few uni friends.

Oh no. Oh, good lord. She's been invited too.

Stephanie has been invited.

I try to steady my breathing before telling Liam. No, do I even tell him? Yeah, of course. We tell each other everything.

"Liam," I call down the hall.

"Yeah?" I hear him call from the kitchen. I decide to go over to him so we can discuss it.

"We've been invited to this party, babe," I say.

"Have we? Where is it?"

"Uh, it's at Meg's flat. It's just with a few of our uni friends." I pass him my phone so he can see the list.

"Ah, okay. Sounds good. When is it?"

"It's on Sunday- oh wait, we can't go!"

"Huh? Why not?" asks Liam.

"You've got work. It's no fair if you go to work while I'm having fun."

"No, no, don't worry about it. You can go and enjoy the party. I don't mind. I'll be making money anyways!" he laughs.

I go back to my room and take in the fact I can go to a party that Stephanie is going to be at without having a bodyguard of a boyfriend there too.

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