Chapter 14

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I hardly hear the footsteps that walk into our room, and the gasp that came with them.


I sharply look over to see a shocked Liam standing in the doorway.

Me and Steph were grinding together and passionately kissing before he barged in.

Liam ruining the heated moment seemed more present than him finding out that I was having sex with a girl, hell, cheating on him with a girl.

"Liam..." I have to think of something. "It's not what it looks like."

"Do you really expect me to believe that? Of course it's what it looks like. How else do you explain what you're doing?"

"But - but Liam," I stutter.

"And the lingerie that I bought for you? Who even is that with you?"

Steph turns to face Liam.

"Uh, hi?"

"Steph? Steph from high school?"

"Yeah, it's her. What about it?"

"I... oh, forget it. I'll be back later."

He slams the front door as he leaves and I hear the screech of his tyres as he speeds off.

"So that's your flatmate, huh?"

"Yeah, it is. I'm sorry you had to witness that. He gets angry so quickly."

"He's so... god, I can't even think of a word to use."

"So, he knows now."

"What? He didn't know that we were going out? Kate, what the hell?"

"I... I was cheating on him with you. I'm so sorry I didn't break up with him first, but we were moving forward so quickly that I couldn't find an opportunity to."

"Kate, you could have avoided this whole thing if you didn't go to that party. You've only dug yourself further into this hole."

"But it's been so great being together with you!"

"Yeah, when I didn't know you were already dating someone behind my back! It has been great, but I'm just mad about the fact you didn't tell me you already had a boyfriend. Sure, the whole 'flatmate' thing was okay, but now I know why you were so afraid of him all the time!"

"But Steph..."

"I'm sorry Kate. I think it's best that we go our separate ways."

She puts on her clothes and leaves, leaving me in the bedroom alone.


The next few hours alone were the worst of my entire life. I spent most of it imagining what both of them would say to me, and then I thought about just escaping both of them to Meg's house.

But then I realised I needed to listen to both Steph and Liam and face what mess I'd made of my love life.

By the time Liam came home from work, I was so shell-shocked by what I'd imagined Liam saying that I was terrified of him. What was he going to do to me?

"Hey, uh, Kate? Can we talk in the living room?"

"Yeah, sure," I say, getting off the bed in the dark bedroom and going into the lounge.

"Come and sit down." He pats the seat next to him.

"I've been thinking it over, as you'd expect. And I just wanted to ask you some stuff before deciding what we are."

"Uh, ok." I say. It's not like I have a choice.

"So, how long were you hooking up with Steph?"

I have to think. "Uh, since that party that Meg invited us to that you didn't go to. We played spin the bottle and and I got her so... it started then, I guess."

"Almost two months? Dammit, Kate, why did you do this?"

"I'm sorry, I planned on breaking up with you for ages. The fact that Steph was into me gave me more of a reason to, but I only wanted to break up with you was because I was bored, okay? It gets boring after a few years. And I know that we literally just had our two year anniversary but I just could not help myself."

"So you didn't even like me in the first place?"

"No, no, no," I say, almost lying. "Of course I liked you, it just wasn't as strong as me and Steph."

He sighs. "Well, I just can't believe you were wearing that lingerie I bought you, for her. I mean, I bought that so that we could have a sexy time, not anyone else."

This time I sigh. "I'm sorry."

"Oh, and this explains why you were never home! And why you lied to me pretty much for the last couple of months. I feel really hurt now that I realise what you've done."

"Liam, I'm sorry-" I start to apologise.

"No," he says, getting up off the sofa. "You wouldn't have to be sorry if you'd just done the right thing in the first place, be it break up with me first or not get with Steph. You're a cheat and a liar, and I hope you feel horrible about what you've done."

He walks to the front door, taking his backpack with him.

"Liam, wait. I really am sorry," I say with tears pouring down my cheeks.

"Sorry won't cut it this time, Kate."

He opens the door and slams it loudly behind him. I hear the car drive away as I start to cry harder.

I go into the bedroom to curl up onto the bed again. I start sobbing until I fall asleep.



I mean, maybe that's not the best use of my outro catchphrase at this point of the story. I hope you really enjoyed the past two chapters, because it was such a big plot twist. But I guess he was bound to find out about them at some point, right?

~ Sydney

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