Chapter 4

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The party drags on with some dancing, music, a few more games and plenty more drinks.

By the time everyone except me and Steph had gone home, it was about 3am.

"Yo Meg, what's the time?"

"Never mind the time, you need to get home. Both of you. You girls have had too much to drink and I'm going to take you home."

"Oh, Meg, you don't have to," I manage to say.

"Yes, I do. I'm being a good friend, kiddo. Now let's pick up all your things and get you in the car."

Meg practically has to shove me in the car to get me in. When we finally get to mine, I say to a very sleepy Steph "hey, come and just chill at mine."

Meg very quickly swoops in, knowing what happened between us and that Liam would not be impressed, and says "no, no, I think Stephanie would be better in her own bed tonight. Anyway, it's Monday tomorrow. Wait, it's already Monday... don't you guys have stuff to do tomorrow?"

"Pffffft..." I slobber a tiny bit.

"Honestly, I should have had a limit on how many drinks you guys had each." Meg knocks on the front door of our apartment and Liam answers somewhat quickly. He was probably waiting up for me.

"Here's your drunk girlfriend. You better take care of her." Meg takes my arm and drags me to the door where Liam catches my ragdoll-like body in his arms.

"Ah, see ya later, Liam," says Meg as she gets into her car.

"Thanks Meg. See ya," says Liam as she shuts her car door and drives off.

"God, Kate you stink of alcohol. How many did you have?"


I wake up at about 11am feeling horrible. A headache immediately starts to burn into my brain and I press my hand against my scalp to try and muffle the pain.

"Oh, you're awake then?" I hear Liam call from the doorway.

"Yeah, I guess," I mumble, sitting up in bed.

"You're hungover as hell, Kate. What did you even do last night?"

I look him in the eye for a brief second and suddenly remember what happens. My stomach sinks with incredible guilt and regret.

"Oh, I can't even remember," I lie. Well, it is true because I don't remember half of the things I did. "I can't even begin to describe what went on."

He pushes a mug with black coffee in it towards me. "Babe, you might feel better after this."

I give him a gracious smile and take the mug. I sip a little bit and he walks away. I check my phone. I open Snapchat carefully, hoping I didn't accidentally post something drunkenly from the party. Oh, thank god. That could have been disastrous.

I hold the warm coffee cup in my palms and check other stuff online. Meg posted a group selfie on Facebook from early on in the night when we were hardly tipsy with the caption "great hanging out with these kids!" I hit like and scroll a bit more.

Hang on, I think to myself. I might have posted something dodgy.

I quickly flick over to my profile and glad to see that there isn't anything from last night. I check all my other social medias as well, just in case. Luckily I had some wits about me last night.


Boom! I'm back, babes!

I was recently listening to Last Young Renegade by All Time Low (yes it's their new album and yes I love it a lot) and was just so inspired to write that I just had to??? Y'know???

Also if you're wondering why I'm literally never on Wattpad anymore it's because I'm currently doing NCEA and struggling quite a lot. I will however find time to hopefully write and upload more.

Cya in the next chapter!
~Sydney (fun fact I almost wrote Susan there lmao)

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