Chapter 6

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(warning of nsfw right at the start)

When both of us have finished our drinks, we go up to the counter and pay. We both go outside to my car and drive over to her house. She opens her door and pulls me in by my wrist. She shuts the door behind us and then kisses me.

"God, Kate, I like you so much. And you're such a good kisser."

I'm almost speechless. I manage to reply with a "uh...... thanks."

"Remember that time we kissed for seven minutes? Let's beat that record." she says, winking.

I close my eyes and let myself be taken away by her lips and flow with her for what feels like forever. We slowly travel towards her room (still kissing!) and Steph shuts the door behind us. She softly pushes me onto her bed and I lay there, gazing up at her until our lips collide again.

Steph climbs up onto the bed and puts her legs over mine, grinding our pelvis's together as we kiss.

She starts to take her t-shirt off, when I stop her.

"What is it?" she asks.

"Oh, nothing, everything's fine, but I'm — well, isn't it a bit early to... y'know, fuck?"

Steph puts her t-shirt back on and smiles. "Yeah, I guess you're right. We can leave it until we're both ready."

She pecks a little kiss on my lips and gets off the bed. I sit up and go over to her to give her one last snog.

"Hey, you're a great girl," says Steph. " I really do like you. And you really are a good kisser. I've been waiting so long to find someone like you."

"Me too! I've actually had a major crush on you for ages, but I thought you were straight so I didn't do anything about it."

"Babe, do I really seem straight to you?"

"Up until now, yeah."

She laughs. "I mean, it's not really obvious but I am somewhat gay. I don't like guys as much as girls, y'know?"

"Yeah, I know. I'm the same."

I check the time on my phone. "Oh, crap!"

"What's wrong?"

"It's almost 5pm. I have to get home soon."

"Oh," says Steph, seeming a bit sad.

"Hey, we can meet up again some time this weekend, right?"

"Oh, yeah, definitely. I think I'm free tomorrow."

"I have work until 6, but I can come straight after, if that's alright?"

"That sounds great. I'll see you then," she beams, kissing me on the cheek as I open her bedroom door. She walks me to the front door and waves to me as I drive off.


When I get home I take me jacket off and realise that her scent is already on it. I give it a sneaky sniff and then hang it up.

Liam walks into the room as I shut the wardrobe door.

"Where have you been?"

Uh oh. I gotta think of something quickly.

"Oh, I forgot to text you, I went to the library after uni to do a bit of studying. I was so immersed in it I forgot to tell you that I'd be home late!"

"Okay, but next time please don't forget!"

"Sure. Oh, that reminds me, I'm going to Meg's after work tomorrow to hang out."

"That's cool. Just don't forget to text me when you leave!"


I message Steph later on.

Hey, today was really fun. I'm so excited for tomorrow!

I smile at my phone screen at the thought of Steph. I put my phone down for the night and wash my face before I go to bed.

I can't believe how gullible Liam is. Like, he's a smart guy but sometimes he can be a bit thick.

Honestly, I'm just excited for tomorrow night. I get to have some more fun with Steph!



I hope that was a nice cliffhanger solution from the last chapter! I really enjoyed writing this and I'm so exited to write the rest of this story!

Hope you enjoy!

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