Chapter 11

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She walks over to me and puts her hands on my waist.

"Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

I'm so startled, but honestly expecting it. We've been having regular sex for a good month or two now, it makes sense.

"Yes, yes, yes, of course yes. I love you so much," I say, kissing and hugging her.

"Oh, I'm so glad. I love you too."

We make out for a little while, and I cannot stop smiling. I stay at her house for ages, because Liam would just be asking me what happened, why I seemed so happy.


"Hey, Liam," I say as I shut the door. I take a sniff of the air. "What's that you're cooking?"

"Our dinner," he replies. "It's scalloped potatoes."

I almost leave the house. But I hold on and pretend.

"Mmmmmm, my favourite! I'm so craving that right now!"

"Well, I'm glad. It's the best recipe I know. It's just for you."

"Aw, babe."

"I was thinking we could spend a nice night in, y'know, watching films, having a lovely dinner," he says, putting his hands round my waist.

I take his hands off me. I've gotten so used to Steph's soft, small hands that Liam's large, rough hands make me feel somewhat uncomfortable.

"What? What's up, Kate?"

"... my stomach's a bit sore. Y'know, girl stuff."

That was the lamest excuse ever. But, he's gullible as anything, so he goes along with it.

"Oh, do you want me to make you a hottie?"

"Uh, no need, I think I'll just take some Panadol," I say, reaching into the medicine cupboard. I don't even need pain relief.

"Suit yourself," says Liam, and goes back to cooking.


nsfw alert!

The next day, I go round to Steph's and as soon as I open the door, she kisses me. We don't stop kissing for ages.

"Babe, I love you. You're the best girlfriend I could ever have asked for," says Steph.

"God, me too," I moan into her lips as we press against each other and share the intimate yet wild moment.

Of course, it gets heated, the neighbours can probably hear me yelling Steph's name, and after a while, I'm panting alongside Steph.

My girlfriend.

I would do anything for that girl. Also, I would be able to do anything with that girl if Liam didn't exist.

Speaking of, he always thinks I'm at Meg's. Or at uni. Or doing an extra shift.

Of course, I actually do extra shifts, but I take uni far less seriously. I don't get paid to go to university.

"Hey babe," says Steph, breaking me out of my thoughts. "Let's spoon for a bit."

"Oh, hell yeah."

I used to do this a lot with Liam. I haven't done it with a girl yet, so this is new to me. It'll be a different feeling.

I get out of bed to put my clothes on, but Steph stops me.

"What? Come back! We're doing this naked, babe."

I smirk and get back in bed. Since I'm a bit smaller than Steph, you can guess who was the little spoon.

She held onto my hips while I moved my ass into a comfortable position. She moves her hands down, cupping my ass cheeks.

"Your ass feels so nice, babe. I wonder if it tastes as good as it looks."

So much for cute cuddling. She's such a tease.

"Why don't you find out?" I giggle.


After that, I decide to stay the night. I don't bother telling Liam. He's probably just going to assume that I'm at Meg's, or the library at uni.

He doesn't ring me overnight. In fact, he doesn't ring at all. He's probably felt something a bit off about me lately. But he always rings when I'm gone to ask where I am.

But apparently not this time.



I apologise for leaving this at such a short and sad ending, but I couldn't help it! I wanted another cliffhanger, okay?

Also, I would have been updating more but the wifi at my house has been shitty, so I haven't been able to write anything. Hopefully now it's fixed for good! *touch wood*

Hope you enjoyed!
~ Sydney

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