Chapter 10

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After that, I hardly went to my lectures at university. In fact, I hardly went home.

I would lie to Liam and tell him that I either had an extra shift at work or I was hanging out with Meg, and it worked. Liam was so gullible that he really did believe everything I said.

The fact that I was practically throwing away my boyfriend and university never hit me. All I was interested in was going to Steph's house to have sex with her. And to be honest, it was a really bad life decision. I wish I had thought about consequences.

But I thought having daily sex with a beautiful girl was better than what I had already.


After finishing an incredible round of sex with Steph one night, I patted her on the back as we left her bedroom and said "good game, kiddo."

She turned around to look at me.


"Uh... I don't know what that was. Sorry."

There's silence for a little while, and I close my eyes, almost expecting a slap from what I said.

But that slap never came.

Instead, I just heard Steph's laugh.

I open my eyes with confusion.

"Oh, that was so funny! 'Good game'. That's an in joke now. Pfft..." she walks away, still giggling.

I smirk. I made her laugh by embarrassing myself. Incredible.

"I did mean it though. That was some of the best sex ever."

"Well, that was probably down to you. Your mouth works so well, babe."

"It's not as good as those fingers of yours, damn girl."

"Mmmm, maybe we go for another round." she smiles at me and winks, making my knees weak.

She takes a glass out of the cupboard and offers me a drink of water, because I'm still panting slightly.

"Yeah, a drink would be nice. Did you really want to go again?"

"Yeah, if you're up for it."

"God yes."


I head home afterwards to find the apartment empty. Liam must still be at work, I think. Maybe he got asked to stay longer.

As I take my jacket off, I notice a dark mark on my collarbone.

Steph. She left a hickey. I love that girl, but I've told her not to give me hickeys in noticeable places. I've told her it's because I work at a checkout and that I'm always being looked at, but it's really so that Liam doesn't see. I don't want him to suspect anything at all.

I cover it up with some concealer anyways, just to be sure that it doesn't show on accident.

I hear the door unlock as I put my makeup away, and bless my own timing.

"Hey, Liam." I call from the bedroom.

"Hey Kate. I didn't get the opportunity to text you but they asked me to stay late at work."

"I thought that was the case. How was work?"


The next day, I go round to Steph's, and well, you already know what we did. We lay in bed gazing over at each other, and smiling.

"God, I love you," says Steph.

"...I love you too, Steph."

She kisses me and puts her dressing gown on.

I put my t-shirt and jeans on, and as I do so, I ask an incredibly risky question.

"What are we?"

She's silent for a few seconds before turning to face me. She smiles.

"I was actually going to ask you the same thing. What would you say?"

"Well, I dunno," I stuttered. "Friends with benefits?"

"You make me laugh a lot," she giggles.

"What do you mean?"

She walks over to me and puts her hands on my waist.

"Do you want to be my girlfriend?"



I'm yelling bc I was thinking about this plot twist (?) all day and now I've finally written it!

Also I apologise for not writing this sooner, I did have a bit of a writers block and I'm only just recovering (for real I'm doing exams in a week and they're more important that lesbian fics sometimes).

Hope you enjoyed, even though it was a short chapter!

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