Chapter 7

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(nsfw alert!! near the end of the chapter)

Work on Saturday seemed to just drag on, and I was getting restless. I felt like I was looking at the clock every five minutes. I just wanted to go to Steph's to spend some time with her.

The checkout supervisor came to my checkout -at about 5:30, and said "hey, it's a bit slow, do you mind going home early?"

"Oh, yeah, that's fine." I logged out of my checkout and went upstairs to go and get my things.

Hey, Steph, I got let off work early so I'm just leaving now, I text her.

Nice, she sends back. Have you had any dinner yet?

Not yet. I was secretly hoping she'd have something there for us to have when I got there.

I decided to just change at work into some nicer clothes instead of my uniform and went back downstairs. I said goodbye to all the checkout staff and walked out to my car.


As I pull up to her driveway, I have to take a deep breath and lower my heart rate. She makes me feel such exhilaration and it's amazing.

I get out of my car and knock on her front door. She opens it almost as soon as I knock, which meant that she was probably waiting close to the door.

As the door swings open I get a good whiff of what she's cooking.

"Ooh, that smells good, what is it?" I ask.

She smiles. "It's my own recipe, it's scalloped potatoes."

How did she know? "No way, those are my favourite!"

"Whoa, really?"

"Hell yeah! I remember my mum used to make them and they were so good and I would always ask her to make them."

"Aw, that's sweet. They should be done pretty soon. I've also got dessert ready for later."

"Thanks, Steph."

She invites me to sit down on her comfy couch and asks me how work was today.

"Yeah, it was pretty slow but I was absolutely itching to get out of there. I just wanted to be around you."

"Me too," she says, leans in for kiss, but doesn't even reach my lips when the oven timer goes off.

"Damn," I say under my breath.

"Babe, we've got plenty of time to do that kind of stuff later on," she says flirtily, and winks.

She grabs two plates and spoons a bit onto each plate. We sit down at the set table and I look into her eyes.

"Thank you for this. I really appreciate it."

"Kate, it's really no problem. You're a pleasure to have around, and I'm so glad that you love to hang around with me."

"I meant what I said about really liking you, yesterday," I say, scooping up some potato and eating it.

"I know. And I really like you as well."

We both smile at each other and continue eating. The only sounds are our mouths and the 'romantic' music that Steph put on in the background. The light in the room is very dim, with candles on the table and a soft lamp on in the living room.

When we're both finished, I wipe my mouth with a napkin and Steph clears our plates.

"That was really good, thanks. Can't wait to see what's for dessert!"

"I think you'll enjoy it." she says with a smirk.

She brings out a chocolate ring cake with molten chocolate running down the sides on a small cake stand from her fridge.

"Ooh, this looks great!" I say.

"Did you want ice cream with it?" she asks. "I have some in the freezer if you're interested. Or custard?"

"Oh, I might pass. This cake looks like it'll be good on its own!"

She smiles and sits down, putting the cake on her table too. She cuts two (admittedly big) slices and gives me one with a fork.

I raise my eyebrows in excitement and dig in.

"Oh, this is delicious!"


We sit and talk for ages after we've finished eating, until Steph asks if I want to watch a film with her. "I've got Netflix, there's heaps of stuff on there."

"Oh, sure," I say. "Let's have a look."

I immediately see something I want to watch.

"Back to the Future!"

"Oh, yes! I love that entire series. I'm not gonna lie though, I think the first one is the best."

"Yeah, definitely."

She presses play and I see the Stephen Spielberg Presents, a Robert Zemekis film and I immediately feel happier.


After the movie finishes, Steph kisses me and says "c'mon. Let's go finish what we started yesterday."

"Gladly," I say, taking her hand as she walks to her bedroom, and shuts the door behind us.

She slams me against the wall and kisses me, her tongue slipping into my mouth. I'm immediately swooning and kiss her back. We travel back towards her bed and we both take our shirts off, revealing bras.

"Nice tiddies," she tells me.

"Huh, thanks babe."

I collide lips with her again and feel her tiny waist as we stumble onto her bed. She fumbles with my bra straps and manages to take it off me while still kissing me.

You can imagine what happened after.

Oh, what a night we had.



A lil bit of a sexy sexy time between two of my favourite characters I've ever written about. And trust me. I've written a lot of characters.

Enjoy the next chapter!

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