Meeting BTS pt 1

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"Aish! Quit it already!" Jungkook said pushing the teasing Jimin away. "Ah okay... sorry." He said chuckling to himself. The maknae stopped right in front of the unsuspecting Jimin, making him stumble back. He stared at something. "Hey watch it!" He said. He noticed all the members were looking in the same direction Jungkook was. "What are you guys looking at anyway.... Oh my..." Jimin had it in his mind to continue talking but he ending up spouting out nonsense. They all stared at a particular girl walking down the street. She was so pretty none of them could comprehend her. She was wearing black jeans and a purple shirt with an oversized army green jacket. It was just their style, cute but slightly edgy. They couldn't just let her go but at the same time none of them could find the words to say anything. Jin couldn't do anything with his shyness to tame it so he stayed quiet. Namjoon was too dazed by her beauty to realize she was leaving or do anything but look for that matter. Jungkook's throat too had been crippled with shyness so he didn't speak either. Yoongi was confident in most of his moves but because of his cold attitude he had had hardly any experience with girls so he stayed quiet as well. Hoesok would do his normal silliness but he felt that she'd just think he was too goofy like so many other girls he had liked. So because of his crushed ego from the past, his lips were sealed. Now, the two other members knew most of the rest weren't going to do anything. But they were the two flirts of the group so... the question was... what would they do? This girl was obviously American ,and neither of them spoke good English. That made Taehyung reconsider but not Jimin, he was determined. He walked straight up to her and started speaking his best English. "Hey, you pretty... Y-you wanna... uhhhh..." He lost his  confidence as he heard himself speak EXTREMELY broken English. The girl laughed at him and his ego shattered like glass. "Don't worry, I speak Korean." She said. "Well then..." Jimin said regaining his confidence now that he could speak natively. He strode closer to the girl, making a few movements that would usually make his fans go crazy. "What I said still stands. You're a very beautiful lady indeed. Do you want to come over to me and my friends' studio? We we're just going to practice." He asked. The girl was so nervous by Jimin's advances she couldn't even look at him. "S-sure." She stammered out her face burning. "Alright so this is Taehyung." Jimin started to introduce his friends to the girl. Tae winked and stuck his tongue out. Now that his hyung had introduced him it was his job to make a first impression, and boy did he make one. Everyone felt more comfortable now. It was less of picking a girl up off the street and more of meeting a friend's friend. "And Hoesok, but we call him J-hope." The boy thought there was nothing to loose so he decided to be himself. "Hello! I'm you're hope!" He said and smiled. "Aww! He's so aegyo! I feel like you're really are my hope!" She said and couldn't stop grinning. Hobi felt accomplished, she hadn't reacted so positively to anyone else so far. "Our maknae, Jungkook." He smiled shyly and looked away. "Aww, hello Jungkook." She thought he was adorable too. "This is Namjoon." Jimin continued. He made a silly face with a wide smile. She laughed. "Hello Namjoon." She said.  "This is Yoongi." She looked at the boy who had been stone-faced the whole time. He gave a smile. It made her feel special since it seemed he didn't dish those out much. She smiled back. "And our oldest, Jin." Jimin finished. "Hello, I'm Jin, I'm oldest brother." He said. "Hi Jin, it's nice to meet you!" She said enthusiastically.  "What's your name?" She asked. "I'm Jimin, pleasure to be acquainted." He said kissing her hand. She slowly removed it after and blushed. "M-me too." What kind of answer was that? She thought. The also confident and flirtatious Taehyung slightly shoved his his hyung out of the way. "And what might be your name pretty woman?" He asked sweetly. "Kim Li." She said quietly.

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