Meeting BTS pt 7

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Taehyung ah! It's Li! Can you text me the other members numbers?' -Li 8:30
'Sure ,beautiful.' - Tae-ah 8:31
Yes, Li put his contact name in as Tae-ah. She thought it was cute. Attached to his text was all the members numbers. She set their contacts to: Jiminie ,Kookie, Min Suga, Joon Joon, Eomeoni Jin, and Hobi. She quickly made a group chat with all of them in it.
Li: Hey guys. 8:34
Min Suga: Who's this? 8:34
Li: Li, Taehyung gave me your numbers so I made a group chat. 8:35
Eomeoni Jin: Hi Li! You left your food here. Can I have it? 8:37
Li: Lol! Yes, Jin ah.  8:37
Kookie: Hi Noona!  8:38
Li: Hey Kookie! 8:38
Hobi: Hobi Hobi J-hope has arrived! 8:39
Li: Hey J-hope!  8:39
Tae-ah: Sup? 8:40
Li: Nothing much Tae. We're all here except Namjoon and Jimin. Where are they? 8:42
Jiminie: You called? 8:42
Joon Joon: You called? 8:42
Li: 'Lol, that was fast.' 8:43
Min Suga: So when are you coming back over to help with WOH pt. 2? 8:45
Li: Conversation changed quick there lol. And I think... soon. Did Namjoon run the lyrics by you? 8:47
Min Suga: Yeah. 8:49
Jiminie: What lyrics? 8:50
Kookie: Ikr? 9:00
Joon Joon: I asked for some help with a concept me and PD Nim had. Li helped me write lyrics for it but I only got to show it to the rapper line. 9:01
Tae-ah: So Hobi hyung has seen them too? 9:15
Min Suga: Yup. 9:20
Kookie: Now I'm excited! This is so unfair. I'm jealous. 9:25
Jiminie: Not a good quality, maknae. 9:30
Li: And I thought Jin was the mom. Lol!
Joon Joon: Hush. You'll get to see them tomorrow. 9:35
Min Suga: Speaking of... can you come back tomorrow?" 9:40
Li: Wish I could. I've got work tomorrow though. :( 9:45
Tae-ah: Where do you work? 9:46
Li: The Chim-Li modeling company. You know, it's down town? 9:50
Jiminie: Yeah I know. 9:55
Li: Okay so I should go. Like I said I have work in the morning. 10:00
All: Annyong! 10:02
Li: Annyong. 10:03
She hoped in the shower quickly and went to bed. The next morning she woke up late. "Aish! 9:30! Gonna be late!" She quickly put on jeans and a t-shirt and ran out of her flat. Maybe if I run quick enough I won't be late. She thought. Once there she slid her card down to clock in and ran up the stairs. The elevator would take too long. She ran and sat in the chair awaiting her stylist. "Li darling, late again?" He said beginning to take her hair down. "S-sorry Mr. T-takada." She said out of breath. "You must learn to get up earlier honey, we can't do this every day." He scolds curling her hair. "Ms. Kim Li, it seems that some members of BTS want to see you." Kim soo, her secretary said. "Ah! They came to visit?! Send them up." She said excitedly. Mr. Takada continued to curl her hair as she waited for her visitors. "Hey Li." She heard. She turned her head finding Jimin, Jungkook, and Yoongi. She glanced at her stylist with a pleading look. "Go ahead darling. Even though we're already late. He mumbled the last part. "Ah! Jiminie, Kookie, Yoongi! You came! Why didn't you tell me you were gonna visit me?" She asked hugging them all. "Aish... you're making me blush. We wanted to suprise you Li ah." Jimin said grinning at her. "Where are the others?" She questioned sitting back down to let Mr. Takada continue his job. "They had to practice. Jin sent you breakfast." Yoongi answered handing her the paper sack. "Aish, I miss them. Tell them I said hi when you get back." She sighed. "Okay. We came to watch the shoot if that's okay." Jungkook said stretching his arms. "Sure, you can sit on that couch over there." She pointed to a navy blue sofa pushed against the wall. "Ah. Thanks Noona!" The maknae mused taking his hyungs with him to the couch. "And done." Takada said with a happy tone. "I'll go get changed for the shoot then." He stopped her. "You should eat first. Not good to model on an empty stomach." He scolded. The boys agreed. "But I've already made everyone so late!" She complained. "They'll just have to wait longer then. You can't pass out while shooting just because you decided to skip breakfast. Now off you go. Go and eat with your friends." He said.

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