Meeting BTS pt 2

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"Pretty name for a pretty girl." V responded. "T-thank you..."  She mumbled. "Alright, alright. Come on, we need to practice." Jin said brushing the two hungry boys off her.  She let go of the breath she was as holding and mentally thanked Jin for the intervention. They both glared at their more innocent hyung who was trying to help the poor girl. Her face looked like it was going to explode in heat. "Whatever..." Tae said annoyed. As they made their way to Big Hit Entertainment Namjoon asked the question everyone was wondering. "So how'd you learn Korean?" He questioned. "Well... I got into K-pop when I was around 16. I'm kind of addicted to learning languages by the way, and.... I heard Korean was easy so I decided to try and learn. I learned how to write in Korean first. The alphabet is amazingly straightforward coming from English. I practiced that for a few months and then I went to classes for about two years to learn how to speak and the meaning of the words. I quickly fell in love with the culture and after a while I decided to move here." She explained. "What K-pop artists were you into?" Suga asked. "Hmmm.... Got7, Exo, and a little band called BTS." She smiled at all seven of them. They stared at her suprised. "It's been a while so I didn't recognize you guys at first but after hearing your names I remembered." They all held a grin on their faces. They all finished walking and ended up at Big Hit. "Hello BTS. Who's this?" Their polite secretary asked. "Her name is Kim Li. She's with us." Namjoon answered. The lady nodded and gave her a pass. "It's just so people don't think you're trespassing, hun." She clarified. Li nodded and they went to the practice room. "So, you can sit there and watch us practice. I'll chat with you later ,beautiful." Tae winked and walked off with the rest of his hyungs. Li sat there with crimson staining her cheeks. Jimin and Taehyung wouldn't give her poor cheeks a break. She watch intently as Hobi taught the rest. "Can you do that part again?" Namjoon asked. "That's what I was going to say." Jin laughed. "Yeah sure, so you wanna....5... 6... 7...8 then turn. Got it?" He asked, counting as he made steps. "I think so..." Jin said. He repeated Hoesok's steps shakily. "Yeah, you got it. Put more confidence in it." He encouraged Jin did it again knowing he had the right moves. "Good job. You try Namjoon." J-hope smiled. "Uhh... one more time." You could clearly see the frustration in his face as he had shown both of them about five times prior. "Okay, one more time." He huffed. "5...6...7...8 and turn." He looked at Namjoon expectantly. Finally he got it. "Okay just a little more a power and confidence." He tried again. Hoesok let out a breath. If Namjoon hadn't gotten it that time he probably would've exploded. "Alright everybody, from the top.  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8. Good job!" That was awesome!" Li thought Hobi was an amazing  dance teacher. You could see he really was passionate about dancing since he didn't joke around while practicing. Serious J-hope was just the slightest bit scary to her but she found him interesting nonetheless. "One more go. I just want to make sure you guys got it." They repeated the steps and Hoesok seemed quite happy with the results. "That was awesome." She said under her breath. Hoesok smiled. "Do you want to learn then?" He asked. "N-No I could never... I have two left feet." Li proclaimed. "That's what they all say, I'm sure you'll do fine." He encouraged. "O-okay... if you're sure." She mumbled. "Don't worry, you've got hope!" He pointed at himself. "I guess I do." She giggled. By this time, everyone else had left being completely tired. "So you just wanna go.... 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8. Got it?" He asked. "Not at all..." She said nervously. "Haha, don't worry. Here..." Hoesok got behind her to adjust her movements. He was so close she could feel the heat radiating off of his body. " 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8. He repeated moving with her.  "And that's it." He said ,breathlessly. Not that he was that tired but more nervous knowing what he just did.

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