Meeting BTS pt 11

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"Can we eat now?" Jin asked desperately. "Sure hyung." J-hope said chuckling at jin.
Time skip- 3 days before the comeback.
Now chatting in group- BTS
8:30 Tae-ah: Today was the worst day of my life!
Li: I'm sure that's an exaggeration but what happened Tae?
Tae-ah: There was a dude on the train who kept coughing and he didn't have a mask. I sat right beside him! 😢😭
Hobi: Aish, I'm sure It'll be okay Taehyungie.
Li: Agreed.
Tae-ah: Anyway! It was gross!
Li: Yeah, yeah. I got work in the morning. Goodnight guys.
Hobi: Night Li.
Tae-ah: Goodnight Li Ah.
Time skip 1 day before the comeback
Now chatting with-Hobi
Hobi: Li!!!! 😭
Li: Yah, what's wrong?
Hobi: Tae is sick! We're out of a dancer and singer!
Li: Oh no! I'll be over in a minute so we can work this out.
Hobi: Kay, thank you! I'm so worried!
Li checks out of work early, apologizing but getting her friend Mana to take the pictures she was supposed to. She stops by the convenient store to buy Taehyung some things for his cold since Hobi said it's pretty bad. "Ah! Hoesok I'm here!" She yelled as she ran through the halls. She saw the boy and realized he was sweating as much as she was. "Where is he?" She questioned breathlessly. She didn't work out much. "In here." Hobi led her to Tae's room. "Li ah, you didn't forget about me." He smiled weakly. "Of course I didn't, now open your mouth pabo." He did as told and she stuck the thermometer under his mouth. "Aish, 102." She mumbled under her breath. "Hobi, get me a table spoon and some water." Li commanded as she searched for the right medicine. "Here." The stressed boy said giving her the supplies. "That medicine is nasty. I don't want any." Taehyung protested. "I'm sorry but they only had the syrup. Be a man Tae." She shoved the spoon in his mouth and gave him some water to chase after it. "Has he eaten?" Hobi shook his head. "Hmmm... go heat this ramen up." She told. He nodded and went back to the kitchen. "Li ah....give me a hug." Taehyung reached his arms out. "No Tae, I don't want to get sick." He pulled her down forcefully. "Taehyung!" She whined. "Shhhh... I need a snuggle buddy." He whispered weakly. "But-" "A quiet snuggle buddy." He stated. You could really tell the poor boy wasn't feeling good at all so she gave up and just hoped she wouldn't become ill. "I have the ramen." J-hope stopped in his tracks looking at Li lying on top of Tae. "What happened here?" Hobi asked making sure he didn't misunderstand. "I wanted a hug." Taehyung said like the 21 year old toddler he was. She climbed off of the boy with difficulty as his grip was tight. "Tae eat it, it's your favorite flavor." She coaxed. She had been begging this boy to eat for at least twenty minutes. "No, I'm not hungry." He wasn't just being difficult. He was so sick he had no apatite. "Please Taehyung, I want you to feel better. Just eat a little bit." He didn't like to see her sad so he agreed. After about ten bites he refused to eat anymore. At least he ate something. She thought and sighed. "Goodnight Taehyungie. Feel better okay?" He nodded turning to his side to fall asleep. They left the room. "I know what you're thinking Hoesok and the answer is no." She immediately said. "You're the only person who can fill his place! You know all the moves and you can sing!" He exclaimed. "No Hobi." She said sternly. "Please! We need you!" He begged. She paused for a moment. She really wasn't the type of person to perform but.... if her friends needed her she had to be right there for them. "Alright. When do I need to be here tomorrow?" He brightened at those few words. "9am sharp. Thank you so much!" He hugged her.
Next morning 9:10am
"Li darling, they're wait-" "I know I'm sorry!" She cut the secretary off and ran upstairs. "Aish child what did I tell you?" Hoesok said as she sprinted in. "Nine o'clock sharp I know. Sorry Hobi." She mumbled.  "Welp, time for practice. Go change, you'll be sweating a lot." He said heading to the practice room. He said leaving the room. Li quickly found the bathroom and went to change.

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