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"Li! It's so nice to have you helping." Everyone said as she walked in. "Li remember, you're taking Taehyung's place over there." Hobi said pointing to the missing spot in the formation. "Remember guys, you're doing great. I just have to nit pic today because it's dress rehearsal. So don't let me calling everything little thing out get to you, okay? Fighting!" Hoesok made his feel good speech. "Fighting!" They all repeated back. The started the music and everyone started dancing to they're  best ability like they were on stage. Yesterday Li had memorized all of the songs Bangtan would be performing today and focused on Tae's lines. She had them down pat. Now she just needed to focus on sounding as beautiful as possible. "Good. But Namjoon, straighten your back. Yoongi you looked stiff, move your legs a little more. And every body needs to move in just a little closer on that part we just did." J-hope commanded. They listed intently. "One more time!" He calls. "But we were nearly perfect." Li says quietly. Apparently he still heard. "I know you haven't been in a dress rehearsal before but on this day we don't stop until it is completely perfect. That's why I told you, you're gonna sweat. From the top everyone." He said to her. Seriously... she did not know Hobi could be that scary. "Great! We missed just a few marks on this round so one more time. Get it perfect, then we'll move on." He stated. Li looked around and noticed no one was complaining like they did other days. She was the only one who had said something. I guess they're all used to dress rehearsal day. "And we're done. How about we move on to Baepsae?" Everyone nodded in agreement. "Li, get closer. Jimin, you're foot sliped. Make sure you're on mark for that move. Jin you were off mark, did you notice where?" Jin nodded quietly apologizing. "Alright again." Even Jimin was called out? No one was safe on rehersal day. Li attempted to move closer and land on the mark. And the rest of the boys fixed they're positions too. "Wow we only had to do that one twice. Good job everyone. Next song." This was gonna be a long and hard rehearsal. It was a big concert with 10 songs. Of course it was big it was the come back. But being in the bad shape she was in Li started to get tired quickly. However she persevered along with the rest of the boys and made it to the halfway point where she could get a break. "Are you okay? You looked like you were gonna die any second." Hobi said to the tired girl who could barely catch her breath to respond. "Yeah..  just not used to this much..... exercise." She panted as she gave a weak smile. "Ah okay. I won't bother your break anymore then. Make sure to catch your breath." He said walking away. They began practicing again. "Li, your foot is slightly off mark also sway your shoulders a bit more. This is Danger we're supposed to look tough." He explained. She nodded. As they re did the dance she fixed her positions. "Perfect! We only had to perform that one 10 times but perfect. Suga, Namjoon, get the chairs. We need to do our last dance, Just One Day." He stated. Li sighed. As pretty as the song was it was hard for her to involve the chair in the dance and she would always fumble and be clumsy with it making obnoxious clanking sounds. And the part where you had to stand on the chair and dance...well that was just hell. She always felt she was going to fall and ended up wobbling all over the place. She tried....she really did ,but as expected it didn't go too well. "Li....you really don't have this dance down too good do you?" Hoesok said looking at the girl in pity and worry. "I'm sorry. I'm really trying." She said sadly. "I don't want to mess you guys up but this dance is just..." She mumbled as she put her face in her hands. "Take 5 guys." The rest of the boys leave the room. "You guys work so hard and I'm just messing it up." She said defeated. "Nonsense, you're helping a lot." He pulled her hands away from her face. He saw tears streaming down her cheeks. "Don't cry hun. Here I'll help."

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