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"Go ahead and try again." She did as told and almost face planted if not for Hoesok being there to catch her. " I see your problem. On the day I taught you this, what did I tell you was the most important thing to remember?"  He asked. "The footing, and the movement of the chair." She sniffed. "Exactly. The footing is extremely important so you don't fall.  Have your feet spread out like this when you're in a resting position and when dancing keep your body weight even on both feet so you don't fall. With that in mind, try again." When she did the chair was still clanky but she felt extremely stable on the chair. "Now about that chair. Any way you move it or turn it, lift it off the ground to avoid extra noise and then make sure you don't bump your chair into the other person's chair beside you. Now try again." She executed the dance perfectly chair and all. "There you go! See I told you. Ain't no thang but a chicken wang." He patted her head and brought the boys back in. They did the dance one more time and no one looked clumsy or out of sync. "Bravo! Now let's go get something to eat." Hobi said. They had tons of food layed out for them to account for them burning a lot of calories this morning and their biggest eater Jin who was even more hungry after burning breakfast off in practice. They all ate quickly so they wouldn't be late for their break. They only had a short amount of time. They all agreed to go the park. "Li noona! Come play with us!" Jungkook said hoping around like the child he is. "No. I'm sore Kookie I'll play another time." She smiled. The boy nodded and went to play with Jimin. Namjoon and Yoongi had a conversation under a tree. "You're not going to play with the kids?" A voice said beside her. She jumped startled. "Oh Jin. No, I don't think so." She said to the oldest boy in Bangtan.  "What's on your mind?" He asked. "Nothing really...I just don't want to mess things up. You guys work really hard and I can't have myself ruining that." She said upset. The man gasped and held her tightly. "I completely understand the feeling. Don't worry Jagiya, if I can do it, you can. And you know how bad I am at dancing." He laughed still hugging her. "Thanks Jin, means a lot. Woah I just realized we haven't checked on Taehyung all day." She said with concern. "The staffs are taking care of him. No need to worry."  He responded. "I'm gonna call him just to make sure." Jin nodded and continued sitting there, enjoying her company. "Hello?" He answered horsely "Hey Tae, how are you feeling?" She asked with a empathetic voice. "Like hot garbage but what else is new?" He responded coughing slightly. "I'm sorry. Did you get any medicine yet?" She questioned. "No. The staffs checked on me and fed me but they didn't give me anything for fever and cough like you." He stated. "Oh really? Well I'll be back in about thirty minutes and-" "Noona look we found a frog!" Jungkook interrupted. "Cool beans, lemme see." The boy handed her the frog and she stroked it's back with her thumb. "Where are you guys?" Taehyung asked. "The park. We're taking a small break between practices." She answered while still entertaining Jungkook and his frog. "Oh. I wish I could come!" He complained. "I'm sorry, anyway I'll be back in thirty minutes to give you some medication." She said. "Okay, thanks Li." They hung up. "I'm gonna ask the staffs if I can keep him." The boy said excitedly. "What will you name him Kookie?" Li questioned. "Slippy! Slippy the frog!" He replied. "Okay. Take Slippy and go on." She gave the frog back to Jungkook. "They say frog slime gives you warts." Jin said chuckling. "Meh, I can deal with a few warts." She said nonchalantly. "For that kid?" He pointed at  Kookie playing with the frog with Jimin. "Especially that kid." She responded. Jin suddenly started laughing. "What?" She questioned him. "Look!" He said. She then started cracking up at what she was seeing. "Hoesok, what kind of adult are you playing in the dirt with those kids?!" Li said still laughing. "Yah! Learn to have fun once in a while!" He responded.

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