Visiting Great Grandparents & Grandparents & High School Reunions part 1

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My pov. 1 1/2 months later

Right now Hayes, Cameron and I are on way to my grandma because she wants to meet Cameron. "Ok where here Hayes you grab Cameron and I will grab the diaper bag." I say getting out of the car and grab the diaper bag. When I get to the door I wait for Hayes to get there. "Hey grandma where here but you have to be quite because he's sleeping." I say smiling and when her face lights up. "He's so cute" she says. "He is um where are the others?" I ask "oh they went to store to get some food, I can tell that you haven't eaten at all today" she said smiling "and Madison you really have to be eating right now for you can feed your child" "I know grandma" I said then they all came through to door and Cameron woke up crying. "Um I'm going to go feed him real quick." I said walking off. When I come back my grandma wanted to hold him right always, so I gave him to her and I sat by Hayes. "Ok so we haven't seen you in 3 years now check us up." My aunt Ira said smiling. "Ok well last you knew is Hayes just got of a coma and no longer had a broken leg. So when we went back home Makayla and I told the boys that we want to go got college so we moved to lacrosse to go to college to become teacher. We did no breaks so we graduated 2 years early because we didn't take any breaks. A week before our graduation I had a doctor appointment and when I went thy said that I could have my own children. The day we graduated I told Hayes and he was devastated but that night things became heated. About a month later we got our jobs and found out the Makayla and I where pregnant. That night Taylor told me that he like me and Shawn told me that he like Makayla all of the other guys where gone getting ready for tour. When they came back I told Hayes everything then he gave Taylor a black eye. Once I told him I was pregnant he didn't want to go on tour anymore but I made him.  The day I went into labor his friend flew jack and himself back in his private jet and when he got there bay still wasn't born. 3 hours later the baby was born. The next month Hayes didn't let me do anything and then we flew out here gave dad and Tarynn our old house and here we are." I said "wow a lot has happened since last time we saw you"  my Uncle Jackie said "ya well we have to get going to catch our flight to see Hayes family so we have to go but we will call you" I say grabbing Cameron from Aunt Ira and putting him in his seat the driving to the airport. We literally just made it.

In North Carolina at my parents Hayes pov.
"Where is my grand baby" my mom said giving Madison and I a hug. "He's right here Mom." I say "oh he's so cute what's his name again?" She asked "his name is Cameron Hamilton Grier" Madison said smiling then walking away to find Skylynn. About 10 minutes late Madison walks out with Sky and they have the biggest smile on their faces. "So Sky how does it feel about being a aunt?" I ask her "I feel like it's gonna noting to be fun and can I hold him and what is his name" she asks "yes you can hold him and his name is Cameron Hamilton Grier" Madison said taking Cameron from my mom and giving him to Shy. "Hayes can I talk to you really quick?" Madison asks me. "Ya of course." I say kinda confused "What's up." I ask her "5 years high school reunion is coming up and it's in a coupe days and really want to go to show people that I didn't turn out how everyone thought I would but I don't know if we have time to go with the Cameron just being 3 months old." Madison said kinda confused. "Well how about we ask my mom if she can take care of him so we can go and how did think that you where going to turn out." I said "ok and fat miserable and lonely forever oh and cold heated" she said and started to cry. "Oh Madison don't cry those people just wanted you feel bad about yourself because they didn't like themselves and wanted to make themselves feel better. Madison you are the most beautiful woman I've ever meet, you are kinds, careing, selfless, loving and would do anything for the ones you love." I say then give her a kiss on the top of her head. After she stoped crying we walked back over. "Hey mom we where wondering if you could take care of Cameron so we can go to Madison high school reunion. Then come back and go to mine." I asks. "Of course um when is it?" She asks. "It's this Friday." Madison said "but todays Wednesday you have to go get a flight right away don't bother unpacking take your bags and go we will be here when you get back." My mom said pushing us in to car which made Madison and I laugh.

Friday My pov.

Im so scared Makayla and Jack flew back out and jacks parents are taking care if there kids. What if they all still hate me? What if they think that I'm still ugly? What is thy think I tried to hard? What if they think I'm really not together with Hayes? "Madison you worrying don't worry I'm going to be right here besides you. I won't let any thing happen. Ok?" Hayes said smiling at me. "Ok Hayes. I love you." I say "I love you more then you can imagine." He say then gently kisses me. Oh god the car just parked and now we have to get out. "Come on Madison you can do this." Hayes said smiling holding my hand and walking inside the door. When we walk in I see everyone that made my high schools career miserable. Oh look at at that th first one that comes up to me is the one and only Kyle Meston. "Well well well look at what we have here the one and only Madison Worthless Martin" Kyle said and could tell that Hayes was fight not to punch in his face. "Your names Kyle right?" Hayes asked him. "Ya why" he asked. "Well to let you know Kyle, Madison is not Worthless. Madison is amazing, caring, loving and would do anything for the ones that she loves. Since she has graduated she has done so much to make others happy." Hayes said and I could tell that he was still very angry with Kyle and now all eyes are on us. "Sure whatever she still is fat, ugly, lonely, useless, worthless, and a piece of crap." Kyle said which made Hayes ferocious. "YOU KNOW WHAT MADISON ARE NONE OF THOSE THINGS. MADISON IS SKINNY AND BEAUTIFUL. MADISON IS MY FIANCÉ. MADISON IS THE MOTHER OF MY CHILD. NOW IF YOU WANT TO CONTINUE THIS LETS GO OUTSIDE. AND IF YOU THINK FOR EVEN ONE MINUTE ITS RIGHT TO DISRESPECT MADISON OR ANY WOMAN FOR A MATTER FOR A MATTER OF FACT I WILL KICK YOU ASS." Hayes yelled at him and by the time Hayes was done Kyle looked like he saw a gosht. Right after that all of my friends came up to me with a really confaced faces because nobody knew that I'm a mother. "Explain" Brittany said "3 months ago I had a baby boy and named him Cameron Hamilton Grier" I said and showed them pictures.

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