Part 2

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My pov.

We are still at mine and Makayla's high school reunion. "Madison do you." Hayes said until he was cut of by jack pulling him away. Right when he walked away Alex K. walked up to me. "Well well well It's looks like Madison because beautiful and a whore. I know that you and that guy aren't really together and if you are it's because he feels sorry form you. That child that you guys had was a 100% mistake and I'm 100% positive that he doesn't even love you." Alex said laughing and I started crying as soon as I started crying Hayes ran over to me. "Madison what's wrong?" Hayes asks me "why don't you ask Alex?" I say pointing to Alex. "What did you say to her?" He asks getting ferrous really fast. "Just truth that she has become a whore and that you and her aren't really together and your just with her because you fell sorry for her, that that child that you guys had was a 100% mistake and I'm 100% positive that you doesn't even love her." He said laughing again this time Jack and Makayla heard the whole thing and Jack spoke up. "You know Alex you know nothing about Madison, Hayes or there child. You think that you know everything but you don't do you know that she just bought a house for her parents, do you know that she waited and that Hayes was her first but wait I bet you have nailed at least 50 girls already." As jack said this Alex's gang come up and look mad. "Madison was told that she wasn't able to have children. That child that she had was a merical for her and Hayes. Hayes loves Madison more than you could ever imagine loving somebody." Jack yelled then punched him in his face and gave him a bloody nose. Alex swung back and missed Makayla pulled Jack back and out of the school. I grabbed Hayes hand and about to leave but first I yelled "FUCK YOU ALL WHO HAVENT GROWN UP" then walk out when we get in the car Hayes hugs me and I cry in to his chest. "Madison I'm so sorry they are just jerks." Hayes said "ya they don't known the Madison we know and we know a amazing one" Jack said "thank you guys and Jack thanks for punching him and Hayes thanks for always being there for me and Makayla I know you where scared to step in but I know that you would of beat the crap out of him" I say still crying but not as hard. "Madison I understand if you don't want to go to the other reunions" Hayes said "no Hayes I want to go nobody will know me. "Well some might." Hayes said "what do you mean?" I ask him. "Madison we're a little famous, some one them might be fans." Hayes explained "oh yeah" I say laughing because I don't know how I didn't get that. "Hey Hayes I know that you are still doing YouTube so why don't we film yours and Jacks High School Reunion." Makayla and I say "that's actually a really good idea" the boys said them Hayes kissed me on the top of my head.

Hayes pov. My reunion

"Are you sure that you want to do this I mean I was the​ most popular in my grade, I just don't want you to feel lost." I said as Makayla and Jack walked up. "Yes Hayes I want to do this" Madison said then I grabbed her hand and walked through the doors. Right when we walked in 10-15 women quick walked up to us. "Sooo Hayes are you still single?" Marisa ask me. "No Marisa I'm engaged to this wonderful woman beside me."I said laughing because she is still as dumb as she was when she graduated. "Um Hayes I'm going to use the restroom" Madison said and let go of my hand and then Makayla and Jack went to dance. Right when they all left Lily Martinezs came up to me. "So Hayes I heard that you have a fiancé." She said "ya why?" I ask because I'm very confused. "Well if you ever want to have some fun call me." Lily said smirking trying to give me her number. "Lily I don't want to have fun with anyone except my fiancé so beat it" I said and as soon as I said that and lily walked away Madison walked up to me. "Who was that?" Madison asks smiling probably thinking that she was one of my old friends. "Um please don't be mad but that was Lily Martinezs she was the high school cheerleading captain and she asked if I wanted to have 'fun' to call her and I said that I don't want to have fun with anyone except my fiancé so beat it." I said nervous about what she was going to say. She didn't say anything. She kissed me and as soon as she kissed me Ashely Derbin said "Can the prom king come and give his speech". "I guess that's my que." I said pulling her up onto the stage with me. "Hey everybody. Um I didn't know that I had to do this but here goes nothing. As everyone knows when I was in high school I was the Vine Guy that everyone loved, but since I've graduated I moved to YouTube them wrote a book and released a T.V show, but dearing all of those good times I had some really low times and was depressed. I remember that the day I meet my fiancé was was the first and I time I was happy in a long time but that day was not her greatest that day she broke up with her boyfriend of  3 years and the and the only thing I wanted to do was to get this beautiful woman to smile. I didn't really believe in true love before I meet her, actually today our friend Jack Glinisky is filing for us today I forgot that. I hope that everyone here has done or at least tried to do what they've wanted because I did  and I wouldn't be where I am today without trying and my fiancé." I say than kiss Madison's hand and walk of the stage. Right when Jack was about to say something he was cut off by my best friends from high school. "Oh my god. Nathan, Nick, and Blake how have you guys been doing?" I ask them "Oh we've been going great but not as great as you. I mean you have a fiancé, you've released a book and a T.V show and about this fiancé are you going introduce us to her?" Blake said laughing at the end."oh ya guys this is Madison Martin going to be Grier Madison this is Nathan, Nick, and Blake." I say as Madison shakes there hands. "It's good to meet you all wait are you gush Nathan Triska Nick Horton and Blake Gray?" Madison ask them smiling "uh yes do you watch us on YouTube?" That all ask at the same time. "Yes I do and I am a fan of all of you." Madison said smiling even bigger. "So is there anything that you haven't told us?" Nathan asked smirking "well what do you want to know?" Madison said smiling "I don't know tell us everything that you didn't say in your speech" Blake said "oh well um what you know is that we are engaged but you don't know that we've been engaged for over a year, um Madison gave birth to our baby boy and we named him Cameron Hamilton Grier. We are going to be getting married in 2 months and that's about it. Oh Madison was have to go to catch out next fight um bye guys keep in touch." I said grabbing Madison's hand and walking out. 

Jacks high school reunion Jacks pov.

Ok so I've been to 2 other high school reunions and now we are at mine and Makayla is in the restroom. Oh god my ex who is crazy is walking up to me uh uh fuck there is no where to hide. "Hey Jack bear are you here alone because if you are I can take care of the for you." She said smiling and trying to grab my hand. Come on where are my friends and my wife. "Um sorry Mackenzie I'm actually married and have 2 children." I say getting annoyed "well she doesn't have to know what we do." Mackenzie said trying to pull me with her. Finally Makayla is out Mackenzie sees her and kisses me. I tried to push her off but she was grabbing onto my shirt. When she let go of me I didn't she Makayla any where. Crap. "MACKENZIE WHY DID YOU DO THAT. THAT WAS MY WIFE AND THE MOTHER OF MY CHILDREN. DON'T EVER AND I MEAN TALK TO ME AGAIN" I yell then walk out to find Makayla. I find her sitting on the curb crying. "Makayla I'm so sorry" I say. "H-how could you cheat on me. I mean am I not good enough for you. I have given you everything. You you Jack where my first. I told you that before and you go and cheat on me. Jack I love you, and I hope you love me two and aren't just using me." Makayla said crying. "Makayla I never told you this but you where my first as well. You where the first one I actually ever loved and the only one I will ever love. Makayla please believe me when I say that I didn't kiss her she kissed me" I said now getting teary eyed. "I believe you Jack" Makayla said and gave me a hug. "Makayla why don't you go get in the car and I will get the others.

The next morning
"Thanks again mom for watching them for so long. Because we now get to fly home and meet Madison and Hayes there in a couple days bye mom love you" I said grabbing up Lucas and giving her a hug then getting on the plane. "God I'm going to miss my mom" I say now crying. "Jack what's wrong" she asks me "my dad told me that my mom has cancer and only had a 30% of living and beat it" I say trying to calm down and not to make a scene.

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