⇨Chapter 11⇦

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The next morning, Sam woke up before Cas and took his medicine. He went and showered and got dressed then dug through the bag of food and found breakfast burritos. He shrugged and put them in the microwave. While he was waiting, the voices started to talk to him.

Why is he doing this?

"Because he likes me."

He's going to hurt you.

"He wouldn't."

He isn't your friend.

"Yes he is!"

He hates you.


He despises you!

"NO NO!!"

Sam dropped to his knees holding his head and sobbing. His sobbing caught the attention of the just waking up Cas, making him ignore his pain and jump up, hurring over to get to Sam. He dropped down and held him close. "Sam, I got you, Sammy! Don't cry!" He gently rocked Sam and started to softly sing to him.

Sam held on to Cas crying hard. He heard him singing and started to slowly calm down. The voices started to stop talking and he finally fully calmed. Cas pulled away and looked down at him. "Sam? Are you alright now?" Sam nodded and sniffled softly. Cas gently held his face and made him look up into his eyes. "Do you promise?"

Sam didn't do anything. He kept staring into Cas' eyes and he saw something that he hasn't seen since his brother died all those years ago. Love and affection.


Sam started to cry again, small tears falling from his eyes as he wrapped his arms around Cas, hugging him tightly. Cas was surprised, but he hugged him back a big smile on his face.

"I got you Sammy. I'm here for you. I always will be."

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