Chapter 1 - Part 1

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kelly and sam have now been together for quite a while. sam has left school and college and is going to become a teacher.

24th December

Kelly and her new wife Sammie have just left the church in their chauffeur-driven white Bentley to go to their wedding reception at Bridgewood Manner. All of their friends and family are there for their special day including Sam's mum Jill and her dad Michael(mickey) and her friends Hannah, Gemma, Rosie O'Donnell (her ex-girlfriend) and Chloe.

"I can't believe how great today has gone so far, you look amazing in your dress! the families seem to get on really well with each other. not one thing can go wrong" smiles Sam. Kelly holds Sam's hand and looks out the window at the beautiful countryside. They're both happy. They arrive at their hotel that they're staying at, also Bridgewood manner. Kelly goes up to their room and Sam goes and looks in the hall at how everything is setting up. She smiles at the red roses on the tables, the dancefloor and the royal layout. "I'm married" she giggles to herself. She goes up to the honeymoon sweet where Kelly is. She knocks on the white door and says "room service". Kelly looks at the door whilst trying to undo the zip on her dress, "but I didn't order room service?" she says to herself walking over to the door. She opens it and its Sam, she walks in and kisses her new wife "hey Mrs. Brooks" Sam smiles. Kelly kisses her new wife, the kiss turns into making out. They fall onto the bed. Theirs another knock at the door. Sam opens the door and opens it, it's the manager. "hello just to let you know the first guests are arriving downstairs" she smiles and hands over a wedding basket with flowers two robes chocolates and a candle. "great thank you and thank you so much for these" Sam replies and shuts the door. Sam puts the basket on the bed and opens the wardrobe to check her suit is in there. It is. Sam smiles. "babe can you help me take my dress off?" asks Kelly. Sam smiles and walks over to Kelly "of course I can" she replies kissing down Kelly's neck. Kelly giggles "babe you know that turns me on" Sam continues kissing Kelly's neck "I know I do "she replies. Kelly turns round, puts her arms around Sam's neck and passionately kisses her. Sam quickly unzips Kelly's wedding dress. And they fall on the bed. Sam takes off her dress and caresses Kelly's breasts with her hand whilst kissing her neck, turning her on more and more. Kelly takes Sam's bra off and starts caressing Sam's hips before slipping her hand into Sam's knickers. They start rubbing each other. Moaning and breathing heavily they both reach climax. They fall into each other's arms, sweaty and trying to catch their breath. "your amazing" a breathless Kelly says. Sam replies with a kiss. She goes off to take a shower whilst Kelly lays on the bed.

Kelly gets up off of the bed to get her phone, she changes her facebook relationship status to "married" and then starts getting ready for her wedding reception. After putting her make up on first before putting her robe on she notices the initials "KB" she smiles. She picks up Sam's robe and walks into the bathroom "hey babe? We've got our own robes with our initials on, isn't this amazing?" "yeah babe I know, it was part of our wedding package, I thought you'd like it, does it make it feel... real?" Sam asks. Kelly looks at the initials and replies "yeah, I do feel special and it feels hella real" Sam bursts out with laughter. Kelly laughs too "why are you laughing?" she asks. "you said hella, trying to get down with the youngers?" "well, I just went down on one" Kelly laughs. Sam jumps out of the shower, dripping wet and replies "want to have round two?". Kelly bites her lip and replies "I wish we could but we've got guests waiting for us" passing Sam her robe. Sam gets dry and brushes her hair leaving it down, before putting on her navy blue three-piece suit. She picks up her red tie and walks over to the mirror at the corner of the room, and tries to decide whether she should wear the tie or not. Kelly looks over and smiles at her wife in the mirror, "having trouble babe?" Kelly asks. Turning around, Sam asks "tie or no tie?" Kelly looks at Sam for a few seconds "hmm... tie" smiles Kelly. Sam smiles back as she turns around and fits her tie and tucks it into her waistcoat before putting her light brown loafers on. Kelly fits her dress and sorts her hair, leaving it down. Picking up her phone Sam goes over to Kelly and takes a photo of them looking extremely happy, she sends the photo to Tanya with the text reading "we'll be down soon xxxx". Sam holds out her hand "ready Mrs. Brooks?" Kelly smiles and replies "ready" taking Sam's hand and walking out of their room to go to the party"

Meanwhile, at the party, everyone is getting on really well. The friends and families are getting on like a house on fire. Tanya sits her sister and brother in law Jill and Mickey. "so Tan Where's Eddy?" asks Mickey. Tanya takes a deep breath and replies "we're getting a divorce". Mickey looks shocked and takes a sip of his beer. Jill hugs Tanya "it's going to be okay" she says. Tanya comes out of the hug and replies "that's not the only thing that's happened... I'm four months pregnant" she smiles. Jill squeals with happiness and says "I'm going to be an aunty!! Finally!!!" and she hugs her sister Tanya.

Rosie O'Donnell arrives. Wearing a black tuxedo with a white shirt with four buttons undone showing her chest, with black skinny trousers with black shoes. She's there with her girlfriend, Amber Dean. "wow, Sam did good eh?" says Rosie. Amber hides her confusion with a smile. She thinks to herself "I wish she didn't drag me here, I'd rather do anything but be at this sham marriage. But just smile and be with Rosie". Walking past the huge Christmas tree with presents underneath and smelling the dinner that is being prepared in the kitchen Rosie and Amber walk to find a table. They decide to sit with Gemma, Hanna and Chloe.

After a while of waiting for everyone to get to the great hall, the newlyweds finally make their way downstairs. "I'm nervous" says Kelly. Sam stops and turns around. "why are you nervous, it's only our family and friends" she asks. Kelly takes a deep breath "right let's go before I bottle it". Sam smiles and kisses Kelly before getting downstairs.

In the hall, the music stops and the DJ says "okay, ladies and gentlemen boys and girls. May I introduce to you, Mrs. and Mrs. Samantha and Kelly Brooks" everyone cheers and claps as Kelly and Sam walk hand in hand. Sam takes the microphone and says "wow, hey everyone. I never thought id say this but, I'm married! Freaking married! Anyway, I'll say more in my speech later on after we've eaten but I just want to say thank you, thank you for supporting me and Kelly and not judging us the first chance you get. We love each other more than anything. We've been through so much together and it just feels right. When you know, you know. Right?" anyway, I hope you enjoy spending our special day with us. Have a drink and be merry." Sam hands the mic back to the DJ and people flood over to her and Kelly to hug and congratulate them. Tanya walks over to Sam wearing a black and white dress with her small but noticeable baby bump, she hugs Kelly and says "welcome to the family" Kelly smiles and replies "thank you tan, where are you staying tonight? Here or at home?". Tanya smiles "I've got a room here tonight, so I'm fine" she replies. "aw that's good" replies Sam. Looking towards the door Sam notices a tall ginger man with short hair and a beard. Its eddy. Sam walks over to eddy and tells him that he needs to leave, immediately. He looks over towards Tanya and notices a baby bump. "is Tanya... pregnant?"

Married to the teacher?  (L.O.V.E BOOK 2) (Lesbian Stories) Where stories live. Discover now