Chapter 1- part 2

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An angry but calm Sam replies "look mate you broke her heart by sleeping with Charlotte. You've caused her enough aggravation to last a lifetime. You need to leave" Eddy squares up to Sam and replies "or what?" all of the guests look over and go silent. Sam puts her hands in her pockets and quietly says "look, this is my wedding day, don't make me take you outside and beat the shit out of you?". Eddy pauses for a few seconds then holds his hands up and walks out. Tanya and Kelly hurry over to Sam. "what happened?" asks Kelly "what did he want Sam?" Tanya also asks. Sam takes Kelly's hand and whispers "ill tell you outside" to Tanya as well as Kelly. Everyone gets back to their dancing and drinking. Whilst the three of them stand In the dining room. "so what'd he want?" asks Tanya. Sam takes a deep breath and replies "he wanted to see you, he saw that your clearly pregnant and he wanted to talk to you, but I told him that his caused you too much hassle and heartbreak, he started getting angry so I get angry too and told him that if he didn't leave right now that id beat the shit out of him". Kelly replies "you should have" Tanya jumps in "no! as much as I hate him, violence isn't the answer. I’ll talk to him" Sam looks concerned "are you sure Tanya?" as Tanya walks off. "ill see you in a minute" she replies. Sam sits down with her head in her hands. Kelly squeezes Sam's shoulder "it's okay babe, calm down". Sam stands up and takes Kelly's hand. "come on wife" she smiles. Kelly looks concerned, "Sam, babe come with me" she takes Sam's hand and they go into the huge garden. Sam smiles "babe what's up?" she asks. "no Sam what's up with you!? What's going on? It’s our wedding day, the happiest day of my life and you seem like your minds elsewhere?" Kelly replies. Sam looks at Rosie who's sat by the window looking out at them. Kelly realizes that she's looking at Rosie. She takes a deep breath in disbelief "it’s because of Rosie, isn't it? You still love her?". Sam smiles at Kelly. "no I don't still love her. I love you and only you. I married you and you're the only one for me. Yes me and Rosie had a good time, we might still have chemistry but, I'm married. To you. I love you. Rosie's happy with her girl and well I'm beyond happy with my girl. My wife". Kelly smiles and kisses Sammie. "that's all I needed to know" Kelly smiles. "now shall we go back inside? I'm freezing my tits off" Sam says. Kelly continues to smile and she hugs her new wife to protect her from the cold then starts to kiss her.

Tanya walks over to the window and looks out to see Kelly and Sam kissing each other In the freezing cold garden. She smiles *her phone buzzes* she looks at her phone and sees a text message from Ed. "please come and see me? I'm out the front on the stairs. Please tan" the text message reads. Tanya takes a deep breath and puts her phone back in her purse. 

Tanya walks out of the entrance to see eddy sitting on the stairs having a cigarette. Tanya says to herself "I don't have to do this... he didn't tell me he was cheating so I don't have to tell him that I'm having his baby, ah who am I kidding course I have to tell him it's his child" she walks up to him "eddy?" he looks up in shock and happiness "Tanya you came" says eddy as he tries to hug Tanya, she pushes him away. "let's just get this over and done with" she replies. Her and eddy sit on the stairs.  Eddy asks "are we having a baby?" Tanya snaps at Eddy "no! *we* are not having a baby! You threw that out of the window as soon as you got with that slag charlotte. I want you to leave this wedding right now and never ever look back because if you do I will get a restraining order put on you, ill have my lawyer send you the divorce papers as soon as possible. Merry Christmas Edward" she says before walking away.

Sam sees Tanya as she walks through the door, she rushes over and hugs her, Tanya breaks down crying in Sam's arms. "oh your freezing. hey, it's okay, just let it out, I want you to move into mine and Kelly's house permanently, we have enough rooms, enough space. We'll help you with the baby, anything you want. You're my family now as well as... Well, good friend" Tanya comes out of the hug. Smiling, she kisses Sam on the cheek and says, "thank you so much, and I love you, Sam". She smiles and replies "I love you too Tanya. Now let’s go and warm you up and get you a drink" as she puts her suit jacket around Tanya. Kelly sees them and she goes over to them and asks "are you okay tan? What happened?". "I told eddy that his not having a part of this baby's life and that we're getting a divorce" Tanya replies. Kelly hugs Tanya. "come on let's get you a drink" she says. 

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