chapter 2 - The Morning After The Night Before.

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Sam shouts "Kelly call an ambulance! now!" she gets down on the floor, cradles Amber in her arms, puts two fingers on her neck and leans down, puts an ear to Amber's nose and mouth to try to hear if she's breathing. she can’t hear anything nor can she feel a heartbeat. she starts to perform CPR "come on Amber don't leave us babe ". Kelly gets on the floor in her wedding dress and holds Amber's hand. "this was her, wasn't it? it was Rosie" she says as she strokes Amber's hand. Continuing to do CPR Sam replies "I don't know". The paramedics arrive "this must be Amber, what's happened?" one asks. Sam and Kelly stand up so that they can treat amber. "we came back in and I saw her laying on the floor, I checked for a heartbeat and I couldn't find one so I started doing CPR." Sam replies. The paramedic seeing to Amber says "well Sam, you just saved Amber's life, we've got to take her in and treat her but she's going to be okay". Sam takes a sigh of relief. Kelly hugs her. The paramedics put Amber on the stretcher and wheel her out to the ambulance to take her away to get treated. "the police will be in touch with the two of you for statements, I'm sorry your wedding day had to end like this." one says. Kelly takes Sam's hand, Sam takes a deep breath "as long as she's okay that's all that matters"

It’s getting very late and the snow is laying thick and fast. Kelly and Sam go up to their room to enjoy the rest of their wedding night. Sam takes her tie and her jacket off, Kelly goes into the bathroom. she comes back out and Sam is asleep on the bed. Kelly smiles and kisses Sam's forehead before taking her dress off, hanging it up and going to bed herself. 

They wake up on Christmas morning at 9 am to banging on the door. Sam jumps "what the fuck!?" she says. she gets up still in her shirt, waistcoat and her trousers answer the door. it’s her mum. bursts through the door and shouts "Merry Christmas" she jumps on the bed next to Kelly who's naked and trying to cover herself up. "mum what are you doing?" asks Sam. Jill kisses Kelly's cheek as she's a little confused and very exposed. Jill puts her arms up and replies "its Christmas day!!" Kelly and Sam laugh as they realize that she's still drunk from last night. Jill plonks herself on the bed "so... did you two... you know.... consummate your marriage? did this bedrock or I don't know vibrate? last night?" she asks. Kelly tries not to laugh and Sam stands by the bed with a smirk on her face she replies "no mum we did not... consummate our marriage. we said goodbye to everyone and then saw Amber, Rosie's girlfriend on the floor by the Christmas tree". Jill laughs "too much alcohol?". Kelly jumps in and replies "nope Jill. Rosie attacked her. because she was drunk and because she said that she still loved Sam". Jill looks shocked "well I always did tell Sam that she was a little... Unhinged didn't I?" Sam looks at her mum and replies "yep, you did, now are we going to keep talking about her or are we going to have a good Christmas Day with all the family? Now I'm going to have a shower I'll be out soon." As she goes to the bathroom and shuts the door. She puts her back to the door and slides down to the floor before clutching her head in her hands and taking deep breaths. 

*Sam's POV* I don't know why this has got me so... Upset. I don't know why Rosie told me that she still loved me. I don't know why I feel feelings for Amber, maybe because we’re friends? Why would Rosie do that to Amber though!? I know for a fact that she isn't in love with Amber and that she only brought her to the wedding because she wanted to shove my face in it that she's got someone better than me. To be honest I don't care that Rosie's moves on. But I do care that she’s just beaten up her girlfriend because she was drunk. Amber could've died!.* 

*kelly's POV* why did she just get like that? Did we say something wrong? I think she's still a little cut up about Amber I mean she did find her last night and she worked so hard to save her, which luckily she did. I'll leave it a few days, get Christmas out of the way and I'll talk to her about it.* 

Sam finishes taking her shower and comes out of the bathroom to get dried and get dressed. "Are you okay my little honey bee?" Asks Jill. Sam smiles "yeah mum I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?" Kelly (now fully clothed) smiles and kisses her on the cheek. Seeing that Kelly and Sam need to get ready, Jill says "right girls I'm going to go back to my room continue drinking last night’s bottle of vodka and I'll see you when you’re ready". A concerned Sam replies "uh yeah Mum..."."yes honey" Jill says with a smile. "Don't drink anymore, your still drunk from last night or this morning or whatever" Sam replies. Jill smiles put her thumbs up and walks out of the door. The door slams behind her. Sam huffs and crosses her arms. Kelly comes up behind her and hugs her "it's going to be okay. It's our first Christmas together what more can go wrong?" Asks Kelly. Sam holds her hands on Kelly's hands on her stomach and replies "wall apart from my mum, your new mother-in-law for that fact, getting absolutely fucking bladdered and still is smashed out of her nut, and then the whole Amber thing. I'd say not a lot" smiles Sam as she turns round puts her arms around Kelly's neck and kisses her. moments later their kiss is interrupted by Sam's phone ringing. Sam picks it up. She starts breathing heavily. Kelly gets worried and asks "baby what's up?". Kelly looks at the phone. Its Rosie.  

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